Lok Sabha Elections – Launch of 3 thousand crores schemes in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Three thousand crore work worth Lokarpan-Khatmuhurt, three-layer flyover underpass will be opened today at Mummadpura Junction.
Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad East-West Lok Sabha Constituency Project includes
Updated: March 14, 2024

Ahmedabad, Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Apart from Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad East and West Lok Sabha constituencies, a total of development works worth Rs 3012 crore will be inaugurated and concluded today. A three-layer flyover underpass built at a cost of Rs 17.55 crore will be inaugurated at Mummadpura Junction.

In the virtual presence of the Union Home Minister, the underpass prepared at Mummadpura Junction in the Western Region on Sardar Patel Ring Road will be inaugurated along with the inauguration of the Manipur-Godhavi Bridge, built at a cost of Rs 14.35 crore. The length of the underpass is 266.753 meters and width is 16.800 meters. Service roads have been built on both sides. After the opening of the underpass, the traffic problem at Mumtpura Junction will reduce. Construction of railway underbridge on Chandlodia- Khodiyarnagar railway line at a cost of Rs 34.61 crore will be inaugurated in the presence of the Chief Minister. LIG quarter will be inaugurated. Apart from this, work will be done to develop Chandola Lake. Auda and Municipal Corporation works worth a total of Rs 367.42 crore will be inaugurated. And works worth Rs 2644.78 crore will be signed.