Why Amit Shah and Modi together with Gujarat made another slap?

Why Amit Shah and Modi together with Gujarat made another slap?

Delhi, 27 MAR 2020
High Level Committee under the Chairmanship of Union Home Minister approves Rs. 5,751.27 crore of additional Central assistance to 8 States. note given singale rupees to PM home state Gujarat. Gujarat farmers wants.

Bihar, Kerala, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Odisha, Rajasthan and West Bengal to get funds for floods, landslides, cyclone ‘Bulbul’, drought during 2019 and Karnataka for drought (rabi) of 2018-19

The High Level Committee (HLC) under the Chairmanship of Union Home Minister, Shri Amit Shah, has approved additional Central assistance under National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) to eight States, which were affected by floods/ landslides/ cyclone/ drought during 2019.

HLC approved additional Central assistance of Rs 5751.27 crore to eight States from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) subject to the adjustment of 50% of balances available in the SDRF account as on 1st April of the financial year – Rs 953.17 crore to
Bihar(of this Rs. 400 crore already released ‘on account basis’),
Rs. 460.77 crore to Kerala,
Rs. 177.37 crore to Nagaland,
Rs 179.64 crore to Odisha,
Rs 1758.18 crore to
Maharashtra, Rs. 1119.98 crore to
Rajasthan, Rs. 1090.68 crore to West Bengal for floods/ landslides /cyclone, drought (kharif) during 2019 and Rs.
11.48 crore to Karnataka towards additional assistance under Animal Husbandry sector for drought (rabi) of 2018-19.

During the 2019-20, till date, Centre Government has already released Rs 10937.62 crore to 29 States (including erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir) as Central share from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and addtional assistance of Rs. 14108.58 crore to 8 States under NDRF.