BJP leader cowardly in fulfilling promises to farmers

BJP leader cowardly in making promises to GUJARAT farmers

Dilip Patel August 2021

Today, the Rupani government has to ask many questions regarding the failure of the Narmada project.

Questions are being raised when all the information has reached the people, people are asking questions, while the officials are organizing a festival to hide their mouths for the farmers to answer.

When the promises made by the BJP to the farmers were not fulfilled, it should be publicly answered.

The Narmada project has been successful in providing drinking water to industries and filling lakes and wasting water in rivers. But the BJP-led government has failed to supply water to 18 lakh hectares of farms in five years and people have declared him a weak chief minister.

What promises did BJP make earlier? Chief Minister and BJP President Chandrakant Patil has to answer the burning questions that farmers are asking today in memory of those promises.

03 Byte Jethabhai Patel

What were the promises that were not fulfilled?

After Narendra Modi became the Chief Minister on October 7, 2001, he declared that Pakistan is entitled to receive water from the Indus River as per the ‘Indus Accord’ signed between Pakistan and the Government of India. Modi urged the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to implement the ‘Indus Pact’. He also demanded from the central government to extend the Indira Canal in Rajasthan to Kutch. Apart from Narmada, statements were made to bring the water of Indus river to Gujarat.

On 6 June 2002, Modi donated Rs. Riverfront built on the rivers of Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot will be made beautiful

Will prevent the water of big rivers from flowing into the sea.

Create an action plan to address land and water issues.

The sea will block the flow of fresh water from the river to the sea.

The original land will be reclaimed.

The desert will be stopped from progressing,

Salinity will be stopped near the coastal lands of Mahi and Narmada. 25 crore will be spent for salt control.

If Joba will do farming at a cost of Rs 100 crore.

24 rivers will be linked. In which the main canal of Narmada will act as the spinal cord.

On 28 August 2002, 300 cusecs of Narmada water started flowing in dry Sabarmati.

In September 2002, a GR was issued directing the formation of a water committee to distribute water to all farmers receiving water from the Narmada.

01 Bite Bharat Singh Jala


In April 2003, Rs 84 crore was allocated for a feasibility report for an irrigation project to create the world’s largest freshwater lake by building a dam in the Gulf of Cambay. The report was supposed to come before 2008.

On May 1, 2003, Modi promised that with the coming of the Narmada canal in Gujarat, the farmers of Gujarat would grow dollars by investing money. Irrigation is being done in one lakh hectares. The lakes came high and 700 lakes are filled by Narmada.

In July 2003, the Narmada waters started flowing in Hiran, Orsang, Karad, Mahi, Sidak, Mohar, Vatrak and Sabarmati.

Timely completion of the project was assured. The project assured that the distance from Amreli to Surat would be reduced by 225 km. There will be a huge fresh water reservoir of 2 thousand square kilometers. Of this, 90 crore cubic meters of water was declared for domestic consumption. It promised to irrigate 10.54 lakh hectares of land.

Bhavnagar district will be the center of development

Modi unveils water project The project was guaranteed to be completed in record time.

Such a promise was made before the 2007 elections.

sujalam sufalam

Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections on February 17, 2004, Sujalam Sufalam announced a new irrigation scheme worth Rs 6,000 crore.

Karshan Patel of Nirma Company was present at that time. He appreciated Modi’s plan. The result was that the BJP got good votes in all the elections including the Lok Sabha.

Under this scheme all 5 thousand villages of North Gujarat were to be covered.

A 280 km long recharge canal will be constructed from Kadana dam to Banas river basin.

The lake of the village will be filled with the water of Narmada. The water of Narmada will flow in 21 dry rivers.

There will be a saving of 3000 MW of electricity used behind the borewell.

Slogan was given that, Sujalam Sufalam scheme came, brought water to the field.

12 crores were spent on Narmada project in 40 years.

Rs 6,000 crore was spent on Sujalam Sufalam in just one and a half year.

Water recharge will be done in the suburbs of 10 thousand villages

Farmers will not have to spend behind tube wells. Farmers of North Gujarat will be free from debt. Farmers’ income will be doubled. Bone diseases will end in 300 villages.

One lakh farm ponds will be dug in 100 days. 1 crore cubic meter of water will be stored.

Farmers will harvest both Ravi and Kharif crops. Drought costs will be saved.

5 thousand crore agricultural production. The farm pond will provide livelihood to 1.5 lakh farm laborers.

Muhurta will be in Dahegam, Mehsana, Himmatnagar, Deesa, Patan Sanand, Bavla.

On 31 May 2004, Narmada Dam Minister Bhupendra Chudasama announced that 3 lakh hectares would be irrigated by Narmada water in 2004. All the works of Narmada project will be completed by 2007.

5 pumping stations will work on Saurashtra branch canal.

By 1995, Rs 3846 crore had been spent. From 1995 to 2004, Rs 13,000 crore was spent on the Narmada project.

The BJP had made a public promise to the farmers which was not fulfilled even after 14 years. This is the situation even today, even though Narmada

All 1 lakh crore rupees should have been spent on the project. Barely 4 lakh hectares are truly irrigated.

See what the BJP government said during the 2007 assembly elections?

Narmada Corporation announced that water will be released in 20 branch canals of Narmada. Irrigation will be done in 2.5 lakh hectares

It literally means that Bhupendra Chudasama had lied earlier.

On 15 July 2004, it was stated that water would be released into the Fateh Wadi, Wadhawan, Vadodara, Por, Kundala, Mahi, Dharoi, Banas and Dholka canal branches.

The Chairman of Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam announced that now bamboo will be cultivated on the slopes of Narmada Canal.

Government-owned land was classified around the main canal and branch canal. but to no avail.

In January 2005, a plan was prepared for bamboo cultivation. The corporation resolved to register 1696 mandals and 5 lakh farmers for water distribution in the command area along with increasing employment and reducing evaporation of water.

which is not over yet.

In January 2007, PK Lahiri, chairman of the Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam, announced that this dam is the head of all dams in India. 37 thousand hectares of land has been submerged due to this dam. In comparison, 18 lakh hectares of land will get the benefit of irrigation. In 2007, 4 lakh hectares of land would get water for agriculture.

Only Narmada project has the best water distribution in the world. Lahiri said that even though he is 14 years old, the canal is not being managed. Barely 10 per cent of the canal’s capacity flows through.

In Saurashtra, 3400 villages will form the Piyat Mandal. Irrigation boards of 1500 such villages are also ready. Narmada Piyat Mandal will show excellent administration in 14 districts of Gujarat. This is the first attempt to irrigate the entire country on such a large scale and in such a large area. Lahiri said that even though he is 14 years old, no one listens to the churches that are not fully formed today.

In 2007, former Chief Minister Modi announced at an election rally that 2010 was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Gujarat.

It will be celebrated as Golden Goal. He had publicly promised elections that the Sardar Sarovar project would be completed in 2010.

It has been 11 years and the plan has not been completed even though he was the Prime Minister. The national plan has not been announced. Modi has not given any big help for the Narmada project.

The issue of non-availability of land in Gujarat and elsewhere has become a very strange and serious matter.

04 Byte Romal Sutaria

The state government announced that not enough land is available for the canal network. Land acquisition for the Sardar Sarovar canal network became impossible.

The original project of Narmada project was Rs 6400 crore. On which a cost of Rs 1 lakh crore has been incurred.

At the time when the tribals living in the Narmada valley were opposing the attachment of land, the farmers of Gujarat were opposing them.

Now the farmers of Gujarat are refusing to give land for canal free of cost.

Sardar Sarovar canal network is proving to be a huge conspiracy.

Gujarat government has constructed 84 thousand km canal in the 10th five year plan.

Announced the implementation of Kalpsar scheme in September 2003. As a result, 1.25 lakh hectares of land along the Gulf of Cambay has become saline or barren, it will be cultivable. The salt flats of Khambhat will be covered with lush green trees. By 2007 all the land would be fine.

Agricultural production will be 12000 thousand crore rupees. Green revolution will come.

On 4 November 2003, the Chief Minister announced that 17 rivers would be flooded through the Narmada Canal. The design of the canal will change, the reservoir will be built at a distance of three kilometers in all the rivers, the water of Narmada will flow in the Saraswati river, Banaras, Rupen and Saraswati will be revived with the water of Narmada.

On November 28, 2003, Modi announced that in addition to the Narmada project, additional flood waters from the Narmada would be diverted into eight rivers in the state at a cost of Rs 6,000 crore. This will lead to additional irrigation of one lakh hectares.

Salinity will stop moving forward with the Suzalam Sufalam scheme, farmers will take the benefits of Kharif crop, agricultural production will increase, income will increase, Suzalam Sufalam will revolutionize the irrigation sector, the agriculture of the state will be weak.

In November 2003, Modi announced that a distance of 263 km from Kevadiya to Kadi would be completed. The work on the length of the main canal has been completed.

1000 km of branch canals and 2500 km of branch canals will be constructed. The main canal work will be completed in 2006-70.

In 2009-10, land of 18 lakh hectare farmers of the state will be irrigated.

In addition, an additional expenditure of Rs 6,000 crore was made to irrigate 5 lakh hectares with 1 lakh hectares of land for a total of 19 lakh hectares with 8 rivers and Sujalam Sufalam and Kalpsar schemes for a total of 25 lakh hectares.

02 Cut Mahesh Pandya.mp4

Who turns 9 today. But in real sense no more than 3 lakh hectares are irrigated.

A task force of 700 agricultural scientists of Krishi Vishwavidyalaya was constituted on December 25, 2003 by announcing an investment of Rs 66,000 crore in the first Vibrant Gujarat Fame Fair.

24 hours power supply was announced under Jyoti Gram. Outsiders have been believing for years that farmers get electricity 24 hours a day. But in reality it was the plan for the electricity connection of the house.

The work of laying a pipeline from Narmada canal to North Gujarat at a cost of Rs 310 crore started in 2001.

which went on for 5 years.

in January 2004

Modi had announced that the Kalpsar project would be set up at a cost of Rs 54,000 crore. Plans Launched and Recorded at Bhavgar Sagar

promised to end the game. But then only 20 percent of the work was done.

8 lakh acre feet of water is for irrigation. 1 million acre feet of water is allocated for non-agricultural purposes.

Now the Gujarat government needs 3.10 million acre feet of drinking water.

Narmada project has now become the only drinking water and industrial water scheme.

In 2007, the government confiscated 270 acres of land belonging to 15,000 farmers from 44 villages in the name of Sarna and gave it to Maruti Udyog in Hansalpur. who demanded the return of the land.

In June 2009, the Narmada Corporation stated that the main canal was not being maintained due to lack of staff engineers in the corporation. To monitor 80,000 km of canal, 8,000 engineers are required.

Engineers are unemployed in Gujarat. The corporation does not have an engineer.

Narmada Corporation complained that the plan of open canals was not implemented. That is why the then chairman of Narmada Corporation NV Patel tried to replace the expensive canals with expensive pipelines.

The Gujarat government had decided to lay underground pipelines instead of open canals.

66 thousand km of pipeline was to be laid. Which the Rupani government could not destroy.

To hide its failure, the Rupani government was far more expensive than the canals to cultivate gold.

In 2009, the government decided to build 200 to 500 hectare units under the “Pressureed Irrigation Network System”.

05 Byte Bharatbhai Thakkar Kutchi

Farmer societies will have to be formed, societies will have to pump water, each society will have to make pond pumps, PVC pipelines, electricity connections, motor pumps, pump houses. Farmers will have to spend Rs 2 lakh for each congregation. Canal water does not reach the fields as farmers cannot afford it. That’s why the farmers themselves do expensive farming by installing diesel engines on the banks of the canal. But the Rupani government also dismantles this engine and throws it away.

Crores of rupees will have to be spent for 6 thousand meetings. Big industrial planets will benefit.

In January 2010, the Gujarat government announced that 7 lakh hectares were being irrigated with Narmada waters. The canal work was to be completed in 2007 but now this project will be completed in 2015. Its cost will be Rs 51,000 crore. The construction of the 51 thousand km long canal was pending in 2015. After this Modi left Gujarat and settled in Delhi. At that time 73 per cent work was left.

In July 2010, it was announced that 450 km. Construction of a cell for the maintenance of a long main canal.

Vadodara, Gandhinagar and Radhanpur divisions. For which 8 thousand engineers are not even needed.

There should be 4 sub-divisions under the Executive Engineer in every 50 km section. Must have technical staff.

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam chairman S Jagdish made an excuse “The siphon jams.

Now Narmada Brigade was formed to stop the theft of water.

The flow of water in the Narmada canal increased for the farmers coming in the command areas of Ahmedabad, Patan, Mehsana and Sabar Kantha districts.

In 2010, Revenue Minister Anandiben Patel indicated at a function that if Gujarat’s farmers needed water for irrigation, they would have to give their land to the government at a nominal cost. Otherwise water will not be available for irrigation. Farmers who do not cooperate in allotment of land for canal construction will be stopped from providing irrigation water immediately. At that time, 22 thousand hectares of land was to be grabbed from the farmers.