Dragon China is strangling India’s independence from 1948 to 2022

15 August 2022

Taiwan is not the only country to escape the dangerous claws of the dragon. India too. Now it’s Sri Lanka’s turn. Where the spy ship will arrive after capturing the port tonight. China’s steps that threaten India’s independence are against India. After China occupied Bhutanese land, 4 villages on the Indian border, the action of the dragon is increasing concern. Sri Lanka will become the 7th country whose land will be occupied by China.

China shares borders with 14 countries but claims land or sea borders with 23 countries.
1962 war with China, 1947, 1965 and 1971 war with Pakistan and 1999 Kargil war. The Galwan war of 2020 has left us in great pain. Before and after the partition of India, China and Pakistan together caused great pain to India and occupied a large part of our territory.

China is notorious all over the world for claiming other people’s land. Because of this, except for some countries including Russia, Mongolia, China has border disputes with all its neighbors. Now the same China is instigating the neighboring country Nepal against India. The so-called Global Times, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party of China, has claimed that India is slowly encroaching on Nepal’s land. The truth is that China has forcibly occupied many kilometers of land inside Nepal.

In recent years, New Delhi has also tried to annex the Kalapani region, the junction point of China, India and Nepal. The Kalapani region near the China-India-Nepal border is a disputed territory between India and Nepal. India included Kalapani in its map in November 2019.

In response, Nepal released its new political map in May 2020. Kalapani, Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura declared their share.
China has captured Nepal’s pillar number 14.

Earlier China has done this with India.

According to the Daily Telegraph and other sources, China occupied 60 square kilometers of Indian patrol area between May and June 2020.

China digested 1 thousand kilometers
The Hindu Report
On 31 August 2020, Hindu newspaper journalist Virdar Singh reported that China controls an area of ​​1,000 sq km in Ladakh. The extent of Chinese control on the LAC from patrol points 10-13 in the plains of Depsang was about 900 square kilometres. An area of ​​about 1,000 square kilometers along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh is now under Chinese control. China was deploying troops on the LAC from April-May. On June 15, 20 soldiers were killed in a violent clash with soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the Galwan Valley of eastern Ladakh.

Chinese troops occupied the LAC from the plains of Depsang to Chushul. China’s control over India’s perception of the LAC from Patrol Points 10-13 was about 900 square kilometres. About 20 square kilometers in the Galvan Valley and 12 square kilometers in the Hot Springs area were under Chinese occupation. The area under Chinese control in Pangong Tso is 65 sq km, while in Chushul it is 20 sq km, the official said.

The Chinese army has occupied an important area from Finger 4 to 8 near Pangong Tso (Lake). The distance between the fingers is 4-8, the top of the mountain adjacent to the lake is about eight km. Till May, both India and China had patrolled this section and India considers it part of its perception of the LAC.

Arunachal Pradesh – Tawang
On 8 October 2021, First India reported that Indian Chinese intruders tried to damage some empty bunkers at Bam La near the Line of Actual Control and the Yangtze border in Tawang, Arunachal. Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh has become a point of friction for India and China. China claims that it is part of the Tibet Autonomous Region and China occupied Tawang during the 1962 war.

the village was built
China has built a big village of 100 houses between Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh of India. America said in its report. Chinese officials have warned US officials not to interfere in relations with India. Tensions with India on the LAC led to a continuing standoff between Chinese and Indian troops in mid-May 2020.

The standoff escalated after clashes between the Indian Army and PLA troops in Ladakh’s Galwan Valley on June 15, 2020 resulted in casualties on both sides including the death of 20 Indian soldiers. This is the first death in 45 years.

acceptance in Lok Sabha
The BJP government told the Lok Sabha that about 38,000 square kilometers of Indian territory in the Union Territory of Ladakh has been illegally occupied by China for the past six decades.

Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan said that Pakistan illegally ceded 5,180 square kilometers of Indian territory in the Shaksgam Valley from its occupied territories to China in 1963.

“China has been illegally occupying about 38,000 square kilometers of Indian territory in the Union Territory of Ladakh for the last six decades,” he said in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha.

“Moreover, under the so-called Sino-Pakistan ‘Border Agreement’ signed in 1963, Pakistan illegally acquired 5,180 square kilometers of Indian territory in the Shaksgam Valley from areas under Pakistan’s illegal occupation in Ladakh to China in the Union Territory of Ladakh. done,” Muraleedharan said.

He said the Indian government that signed the so-called Sino-Pakistan Boundary Agreement of 1963 has never recognized it and has consistently called it illegal and illegal.

“The fact that the entire Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are an integral and inseparable part of India has been clearly conveyed at times to Pakistani and Chinese authorities,” he said.

The first 43180 sq. km. declared
In 2017, China declared an illegal occupation of 43,180 square kilometers of India.
Since 1962, about 38 thousand square kilometers of India’s land in Jammu and Kashmir is in the possession of China. According to the information received from the ministry, “In addition, under the so-called China-Pakistan ‘Border Agreement’ signed between China and Pakistan on March 2, 1963, Pakistan illegally handed over 5180 square kilometers of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir to China. . ,

India and India have a mis-defined, 3,440 km long disputed de facto boundary line. There are rivers, lakes and ice on the border.

The two countries are also competing to build infrastructure along the border.

Soldiers from both sides were injured on 20 January 2021. The clash took place on the border of the Indian state of Sikkim, located between Bhutan and Nepal.

In June 2020, China accused India of firing on its soldiers in September. India accused China of firing in the air. Firing will happen on the border for the first time in 45 years, in the 1996 agreement, the use of guns and explosives was banned near the border.

There has been only one war between the two countries, in 1962 when India suffered a humiliating defeat.

The pasture has been taken away.

The steep mountainous region of Ladakh has seen the Indian land disappear.
On May 5, a face-off between Indian and Chinese armies took place in Galwan.
The Indian government is lying that China has not occupied any land. Our vast green pastures, where the local shepherds used to take their cattle, have been encroached upon. 2020 was the biggest attack since 1967. 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese soldiers were killed in the nearly inaccessible Galwan Valley at an altitude of 14,000 feet (4,250 m) in a face-off between the two sides amidst rocks and pointed clubs.
China’s Foreign Ministry has said that the Galvan Valley has always been under Chinese sovereignty.

The prime minister lied that China has not entered our territory in Ladakh. Chinese incursions continue in other disputed areas like Galwan and Pangong Tso.

China entered the finger four of Pangong Tso. Pangong Tso is surrounded by eight peaks, known as the Eight Fingers. India had control over the entire area, but Chinese troops are moving slowly. Now controls four of the eight fingers. China has built helipads, roads, other infrastructure around Finger Four.

If this continues, India will lose the entire Ladakh region in the next 20 years.

A herd of Changra goats, which produce cattle and cashmere wool, cannot graze in the pastures near the border. The shepherds were driven out.

A similar observation was made by Sonam Wangchuk, a noted engineer from Ladakh, who is leading a boycott against China. As residents, we have seen over the years how China is pushing the line meter by meter. Due to which heavy economic loss has been caused. Thousands of local goat herders have lost their pasture, and therefore their income, and are forced to become small laborers in the city.

A group of local councillors wrote to Modi with a memorandum, warning him against encroachment of vast tracts of grazing land by China.

Urjen Chodon, a 30-year-old BJP corporator whose village Koel is located along the LAC, alleged that China was not only encroaching on Indian territory but was actively building infrastructure. The Chinese come with their machinery, make roads with dumpers, earth movers. As the shepherds visited the places they visited every year, they knew that the Chinese were occupying these areas.

Satellite images show Chinese structures built on terraces overlooking the Galwan River on the border claimed by India. After bringing armored vehicles to the region, India has now deployed missile-firing tanks and anti-tank missile systems in a 1,596-km-long range. The Galwan Valley was considered Indian territory. It is not so now. There are Chinese soldiers at Petrol Point 14 in Galwan Valley.

China’s occupation of Tibet
In 1950, China sent thousands of soldiers to raise its flag over Tibet. Some regions of Tibet were converted into autonomous regions, while the rest were incorporated into neighboring Chinese provinces. But after a failed uprising against China in 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama had to flee Tibet and take refuge in India, where he formed the deposed Tibetan government. During China’s Cultural Revolution in the 60s and 70s, most of the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet were destroyed. Thousands of Tibetans lost their lives during repression and military rule.
Since the unification of Tibet in the 1630s, the Buddhist and Tibetan leadership have been face-to-face. Manchu, Mongol and Oirat factions have been fighting for power here. In the end the Fifth Dalai Lama succeeded in unifying Tibet. Simultaneously, Tibet emerged as a culturally rich one. Along with the unification of Tibet, Buddhism also flourished here.

Gelug Buddhists also recognized the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. There has been controversy over the election process of the Dalai Lama. in 1912

Tibet was declared independent by the Thirteenth Dalai Lama. About 40 years later, China invaded Tibet. China says that Tibet has been ruled by China for more than 700 years. In June 2003, India officially recognized Tibet as part of China.

43 percent of foreign land belongs to China
Taiwan is not the only country to escape the dangerous claws of the dragon. India too. Most of the countries of the world share a border with China. It shares its border with 14 countries. Most have border disputes. China’s plan to annex three Indian states including India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet is known as its controversial Five Finger Policy or Palm Policy. China has occupied 41.13 lakh square kilometers of land in 6 countries. Which is 43% of the native land of China. In which 11 percent of India’s land has also been occupied. Even during Modi’s time, China has occupied an area of ​​1 thousand square kilometers. Before Modi, 43 thousand square kilometers of India’s land was with China.

Why is China eating land?
Since the establishment of the communist regime in 1949, China has pursued a policy of land grabbing. Since President Xi Jinping came to power in 2013, China has occupied over 1,000 square kilometers of land along the border with India.

A look at illegal property——–

1. East Turkestan
The land area is 16.55 lakh sq. km. After the first invasion in 1934, China occupied East Turkestan until 1949. China is persecuting Uighur Muslims who make up 45% of the population in the region.

2. Tibet
On 07 October 1950, China occupied this beautiful natural country of 12.3 lakh square kilometers. By invading Tibet, which had 80% of the Buddhist population, he extended his range to India. Apart from this, they got immense minerals, rivers like Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong from here.

3. Inner Mongolia
In October 1945, China invaded and occupied Mongolia with an area of ​​11.83 lakh square kilometres. With 13 percent of the population, the demands for Mongolian independence were severely crushed. It holds 25 percent of the world’s total coal reserves. The population here is 3 crore.

4. Taiwan
China has long eyes on Taiwan, surrounded by 35,000 square km of sea. After the Communist victory in 1949, the Nationalists took refuge in Taiwan. China accepts its share, but Taiwan stands against it. Taiwan is supported by the US and therefore China cannot attack it even if it wants.

5. Hong Kong
China forcibly occupied Hong Kong in 1997. He is trying to turn his nose on Hong Kong these days by enforcing the National Security Act. 50.5% of China’s foreign investment and trade comes through Hong Kong.

6. Macau
After 450 years of rule, the Portuguese handed over Macau to China in 1999.

7. India
China has occupied 38 thousand square kilometers of India. It covers an area of ​​14,380 square kilometers of Aksai Chin. Pakistan has given an area of ​​5180 square kilometers of PoK to China. One thousand square kilometers of land has been digested under Modi Raj. 2 villages have been settled.

8. East China Sea
conflict with Japan. China has an eye on eight islands of 81 thousand square kilometers. The dispute escalated after the creation of China’s airspace in 2013.

9. Border dispute with Russia also
China’s dispute with Russia is over an area of ​​52 thousand square kilometers. 1969 Chinese invasion attempt, distance from Russia.

10. South China Sea
There is tension with Taiwan, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, which is trying to capture from 7 countries of the region. The South China Sea, spread over 35.5 million square kilometers, claims 90% of the area. China occupied Parsley, the Spartel Islands and built military bases. From here the annual global turnover is 33% i.e. $3.37 trillion 77 billion oil, 266 million cubic feet of gas reserves.

11 Nepal
In 2020, China has occupied the land of 7 border districts of Nepal. China has moved 1,500 meters to Dolkha within the international border with Nepal, including pushing boundary pillar number 57 in the Korlang area of ​​Dolkha, which was earlier located on top of Korlang. Similar to Dolkha, China has attempted to move positions on border pillar numbers 35, 37 and 38 in Gorkha district as well as border pillar number 62 at Nampa Bhanjiang in Solukhumbu. The first three pillars were located in the Rui Village and Tom River areas. China has occupied 11 places.

12 Sri Lanka
India’s Independence Day 15 August 2022 After giving a huge loan to Sri Lanka, it could not return it and now it has sent a spy ship there taking its port.

1962 war with China, 1947, 1965 and 1971 war with Pakistan and 1999 Kargil war. The Galwan war of 2020 has left us in great pain. Before and after the partition of India, China and Pakistan together caused great pain to India and occupied a large part of our territory.

1. China is in these areas: Arunachal, Sikkim, Leh-Ladakh (including Gilgit-Baltistan), Kashmir and Aksai Chin has a large share of China. China is going to enter the sliding policy and this sequence is still going on till 2021.

2. ‘Hindi Chinese Bhai Bhai’: China launched a surprise attack on India in 1962 under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru.
3. Cause of Indo-China War of 1962:

China occupied Tibet in 1950. This was followed by the 1959 Tibetan uprising in Tibet when India deported the Dalai Lamas, when the Himalayan dispute erupted in China and violent incidents occurred along the India-China border. The Himalayas were given to India by the British Government. China denied this. The Ladakh part and many parts of Arunachal Pradesh claimed Aksai-Chin.

4. India-China War: The Indo-China war was fought on October 20, 1962. The war between the two countries lasted for about a month, in which India had to face defeat. India had to lose a large part of its territory. On 20 October 1962, Rejang-la and Tawang were captured in the east. 1383 Indian soldiers were killed, while 1047 were injured. Apart from this, 1700 jawans are missing so far. 3968 soldiers were arrested by China. At the same time, a total of 722 Chinese soldiers were killed and 1697 were injured. In this war, only 12 thousand soldiers of India were fighting against 80 thousand soldiers of China.

5. Line of Actual Control: Despite India’s wish, China did not accept such a border. After the ceasefire, China changed its mind and declared the Line of Actual Control as a border. Both India and China were asked to retreat 26.5 meters from where their armies were standing. The Line of Actual Control (LAC) is 60 km from Tawang.

Several attempts have been made to include Arunachal Pradesh as part of Tibet as its own country.

India signed an agreement with Tibet under the leadership of Sir Henry McMahon in 1913-14 during the British rule. China controls the Himalayan peaks with an altitude of 4057 meters. Below are the armies of India. In 1963, Pakistan handed over 4000 km of Kashmir to China, on which China built the Karakoram Highway.

6. McMahon Line: In Shimla in 1914, there was a controversial agreement to determine the status of Tibet between the then British Indian Empire, Tibet and China. China later withdrew from the talks and refused to accept the terms of the agreement. Sir McMahon drew the 890 km long boundary line between India and Tibet. This was named the McMahon Line.

7. Kashmir given to China: In 1963, Pakistan gave 4000 km of Kashmir to China, on which China built the Karakoram Highway. China plans to build a railway line on this highway.

8. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) is 13 thousand 296 square kilometer. Its capital is Muzaffarabad. The area of ​​Gilgit Baltistan is 72 thousand 970 square kilometer. Gilgit-Baltistan also has 10 districts. Its capital is Gilgit. The total population of these two areas is said to be around 60 lakhs. This means that Gilgit-Baltistan is 85 percent of Pakistan-administered Jammu and Kashmir. On which China is showing off.(GOOHLE TRANSLET, SEE ORIGINAL IN GUJARATI SECTION)