The water of 13 rivers of Gujarat is not fit for drinking and bathing
Sabarmati, Bhadar, Khari, Amalakhadi, Vishwamitra, Dhadar are the most polluted.
Mindhola, Mahi, Shedhi, Bhogvo, Chichi Khadi, Damanganga, Tapi are not in the list of polluted rivers.
Ahmedabad, 6 April 2023
To reduce pollution, the Modi government at the Center has not given a single rupee to Gujarat in the year 2022-2023 to reduce pollution in highly polluted rivers.
Sabarmati is the second most polluted river in the whole of India. Where foreign leaders and politicians of the country organized sea-plane tours, Atal Bridge tours, water sports tours, but the Modi and Patel governments have completely failed to save Sabarmati from pollution.
On 5 April 2023, 13 out of 25 rivers of Gujarat state given in the Lok Sabha are not suitable for bathing. 20 years ago the water of the river could be drunk directly. Due to pollution, this water is neither suitable for drinking nor suitable for bathing.
The environment minister of the Modi government said that the water quality of 603 rivers of the country was tested. In which the water of 279 rivers is not suitable for bathing.
In Gujarat, the water quality of 25 rivers was tested at 54 locations by the Central Pollution Control Board. In research, a report was prepared that 13 rivers of Gujarat are polluted. In which bathing cannot be done.
BOD stands for Biochemical Oxygen Demand which should be up to 3 milligrams per liter to be considered suitable for bathing, while Sabarmati’s BOD value level is 292. Got 97 more than normal.
The BOD value of Bhadar river was found to be 258.6 which is 86 times higher than the comparison.
Sabarmati, Tapi, Bhadar, Khari, Dhadar, Amalkhadi, Vishwamitra, Mindhola, Mahi, Shedhi, Bhogvo, Chichi Khadi, Damanganga, which are considered sacred for bathing in the state of Gujarat, are no longer eligible for holy bathing. The Congress party has criticized it.
The Modi government at the Center has not contributed even a single rupee to reduce the pollution of the six most polluted rivers in the year 2022-23. The health and environment of the people of Gujarat has been slapped by the Modi government.
To worship the rivers of Gujarat as a mother, a complete and pure water has to be prepared. The government is in deep sleep.
The judiciary is often criticized. This has been revealed in the investigation of Gujarat Pollution Control Board. Despite several reports on pollution of rivers by national and international organisations, there is an apathetic government.
Modi and Patel government is responsible for destroying the environment.
Due to global warming and climate change, Gujarat often receives unseasonal rains. Congress used to face drought but it is raining unseasonally under BJP rule. Snow falls in summer.
Modi Prime Minister Narendra Modi goes all over the world to discuss pollution, but the condition of his own Gujarat’s rivers has become very bad. Sabarmati has become the second most polluted river in the whole of India.
प्राथमिकता -1 (30 मिलीग्राम/लीटर से ऊपर) | ||
अत्यधिक प्रदूषित नदी | बीओडी अधिकतम 3 मिलीग्राम। / लीटर | प्रदूषण उपशमन कोष एनआरसीपी 2022-23 |
साबरमती | 292 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
भादर | 258.6 मिलीग्राम / लीटर | 0 |
खारी | 195 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
अमलखड़ी | 49 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
विश्वामित्री | 38 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
ढाढर | 33 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
प्राथमिकता -2 (20-30 मिलीग्राम/लीटर) | ||
अत्यधिक प्रदूषित नदी | बीओडी अधिकतम 3 मिलीग्राम। / लीटर | प्रदूषण उपशमन कोष एनआरसीपी 2022-23 |
मींढोली | 28 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
प्राथमिकता -3 (10-20 मिलीग्राम/लीटर) | ||
अत्यधिक प्रदूषित नदी | बीओडी अधिकतम 3 मिलीग्राम। / लीटर | प्रदूषण उपशमन कोष एनआरसीपी 2022-23 |
मही | 12 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
प्राथमिकता -4 (6-10 मिलीग्राम/लीटर) | ||
अत्यधिक प्रदूषित नदी | बीओडी अधिकतम 3 मिलीग्राम। / लीटर | प्रदूषण उपशमन कोष एनआरसीपी 2022-23 |
शेढी | 6.2 मिलीग्राम / लीटर | 0 |
प्राथमिकता -5 (3-6 मिलीग्राम/लीटर) | ||
अत्यधिक प्रदूषित नदी | बीओडी अधिकतम 3 मिलीग्राम। / लीटर | प्रदूषण उपशमन कोष एनआरसीपी 2022-23 |
भोगावो | 6 एम.जी. / लीटर | 0 |
दमन गंगा | 5.3 मिलीग्राम / लीटर | 0 |
भूखी खाड़ी | 3.9 मिलीग्राम / लीटर | 0 |
तापी | 3.4 मिलीग्राम / लीटर | 91 करोड़ |