Ahmedabad, 10 June 2020
Mangilal Purohit from Pali district of Rajasthan, came to Ahmedabad Cancer Hospital for treatment due to a tumor. His condition was such that he had to drink a teaspoon of water through his relatives. Now he can stand on his own two feet and walk on his own. There is a 380 km journey to get rid of Mangilal’s ‘Suffer’.
A tumor is a type of lump in the brain. Which gradually develops, affecting other parts of the body and stopping them from working. Which we call paralysis. This paralysis is often fatal.
Mangilal’s relative Raghuveer Singh was very anxious to come from Rajasthan to Gujarat for treatment when it became very difficult to move from one district to another amidst the lockdown. Approval was received from Gujarat Government. Loss of limb movement
Paralyzed Mangilal was walking on his own feet.
Surgery in Rajasthan costs Rs 5 to 7 lakh.
Dr. of the Neuro-Onco Department of the Cancer Hospital. According to Paresh Modi, Mangilal had a primary stage brain tumor in the third stage of astrocytoma. Which is considered the most serious tumor. At the same time they were paralyzed and stretched. In such a situation, a tumor of 140 cubic cm was removed from the brain by quick keniotomy surgery. The patient is likely to experience other side effects during this surgery.