7 New Death in Gujarat Due to Coronavirus, 176 New Cases.

18th April, 2020

Details of new cases and deceased people as of 18 -04-2020, 10:00 hours

Case/s Registered Today Death/s Discharged Patients
176 07 02


Details of new cases

Area Today’s Case Males Females
Ahmedabad 143 84 59
Vaodara 13 5 8
Surat 13 10 3
Rajkot 2 2 0
Bhavnagar 2 1 1
Anand 1 1 0
Bharuch 1 1 0
Panchmahal 1 1 0
Total 176 105 71


Details of Discharged Patients

Sr no Age Gender District Hospital Name
1 39 M Rajkot Giriraj Hospital Rajkot
2 34 M Gandhinagar GMERS Gandhinagar


Detail of Deceased Patients

Sr no Age Gender District Hospital Name Other Disease
1 68 F Ahmedabad SVP Ahmedabad Hypertension, TB
2 72 F Ahmedabad SVP Ahmedabad Kidney Problem
3 65 F Ahmedabad SVP Ahmedabad Hyepertension, Kidney Problem
4 50 F Ahmedabad Civil Hospital Ahmedabad Neurological
5 36 F Surat Civil Hospital Surat Hypertension
6 70 F Aravalli U.N Mehta Ahmedabad Heart Problem
7 60 M Vadodara SSG Hospital Vadodara


Details of patients admitted in the hospital

Sr.No Total cases as of today Total No. of patients Discharge Deaths
Ventilator Stable
1 1272 07 1129 88 48