Difference of Rs 100 in the price of cottonseed and Groundnut oil, farmers will increase cotton cultivation

Gandhinagar, 19 June 2021

With this price, farmers are sowing more cotton this year. Last year, 25.53 lakh hectares were sown. This time the early cultivation of cotton is expected to increase to 27 lakh hectares. Farmers have so far sown in one lakh hectares. Which was 78 thousand hectares during this last year. Thus there will be good growth in planting. Against this the sowing of groundnut will be less.

However, till June 14, 2020, 6.05 lakh hectares had been sown. In comparison, this year less than one lakh hectare has been sown. On June 14, 2019, 1.61 lakh hectares were sown.

Thus less cotton is being sown this time as compared to the last two years. Which may have disclosed the figures by filling out estimates because the authorities were engaged in a hurricane damage survey.

Farmers in Saurashtra have sown less cotton than before. However, the government’s failure to provide canal water to the Narmada and irrigate only 5 lakh hectares instead of 18 lakh hectares has also affected cotton cultivation this summer. Last year also the government did the same. However, with the price of cotton past Rs 1,500, farmers will be motivated to increase cotton cultivation as compared to last year.

The price of cotton has gone up to Rs 1,500. Cottonseed oil has become more expensive as cotton is more expensive. The difference between the cost of a can of groundnut and cottonseed oil is now only Rs 100. Last year the price was 800 to 900. The cost of cottonseed is around Rs 800. Flour dates from 1700 to 1850. The cost of a can of Singulum oil ranges from Rs 2,450 to Rs 2,500 and Rs 2,800 if 20 per cent other oils are not mixed. In contrast, cottonseed oil is priced between Rs 2,310 and Rs 2,340. Thus, the difference between two boxes of 15 kg each is Rs 100.