Crop varieties released and notified Since 1965, 5,334 improved field crops varieties have been developed which include 2,685 of cereals, 888 of oilseeds, 999 of pulses, 200 of forage crops, 395 of fibre crops, 129 of sugarcane and 38 of potential crops. During 2020–21, a total of 172 varieties/hybrids including 17 biofortified varieties were notified and released for commercial cultivation. Details are given below. Cereals Sixty two high yielding varieties/hybrids of cereals comprising 31 of rice, 2 of wheat, 13 of maize, 4 each of sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet and foxtail millet were released for cultivation in different agroecologies of the country. CROP IMPROVEMENT List of released varieties/hybrids of cereals Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) Central Pearl Millet Hybrid BHB-1602 (MH 2192) Moti Shakti (GHB 1225), Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana Suitable for rainfed condition with high/low fertility conditions, average yield: 25.29 q/ha, maturity: 76 days, highly resistant to downy mildew and blast and resistant to smut, highly resistant to shoot fly, stem borer and grey weevil, biofortified variety (Fe 55 ppm and Zn 37 ppm). (Hybrid) Suitable for kharif season, average seed yield: 30.23 q/ha (kharif), maturity: 82 days, resistant to downy mildew, blast, smut, ergot and rust diseases, tolerant to shoot fly and stem borer, biofortified variety (Fe 76 ppm and Zn 46 ppm). Jam Shakti (GHB 1129) (Hybrid) Suitable for kharif and summer seasons, average seed yield: 29.57 q/ha (kharif) and 53.03 q/ha (Summer), maturity: 83 days, resistant to downy mildew, smut and ergot diseases, tolerant to shoot fly and stem borer, biofortified variety (Fe 72 ppm and Zn 43 ppm). Sorghum (Sorghum bicolour) CSV 42 (SPV 2423) , Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat Suitable for rainfed ecology during kharif season, average yield: 38–39 q/ha, maturity: 115–118 days, moderately tolerant to grain mold diseases, moderately tolerant to moisture stress. Maize (Zea mays) Gujarat Anand Sweet Corn Hybrid 11 (GASCH 11: Madhuram) (GSCH- 0913) Suitable for Gujarat state under irrigated condition during rabi season, yellow kernel single cross sweet corn hybrid, average fresh green cobs yield: 10.71 q/ha, TSS: 16.70–18.40%, maturity: medium (70– 75 days—fresh green cobs harvest), moderately resistance to maydis leaf blight (MLB) disease and insect Chilo partellus. GAPCH-21 Mahashweta (IHPC-1203) (Hybrid) Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Gujarat. Suitable for kharif season, average yield: 38.76 q/ ha in NWPZ; 32.94 q/ha in NEPZ and 49.22 q/ha in PZ, maturity: medium (91 days), moderate resistant against MLB and charcoal rot diseases in NWPZ and moderate susceptible against MLB and TLB diseases in NEPZ, moderate resistant against C. Rot, P. Rust and TLB diseases in PZ, moderately resistant against Chilo partellus in both NWPZ, NEPZ and PZ. Ladhowal Popcorn Hybrid 3 (LPCH 3) IMHP 1540 (Hybrid) Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh (Eastern region) , Odisha, West Bengal, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. Suitable for irrigated condition during kharif season, average yield: 31.61 q/ha in NEPZ; 43.93 q/ha in PZ and 26.62 q/ha in CWZ, maturity: early (85 days), moderate resistant to maydis leaf blight (MLB) diseases in NEPZ; moderately resistant to c. rot, fusarium stalk rot (FSR) and curvularia leaf spot (CLS), moderately tolerant to Chilo partellus in NEPZ, PZ and CWZ. Ladhowal Popcorn Hybrid 2 (LPCH 2) (IMHP 1535) (Hybrid) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. Suitable for irrigated condition during kharif season in CWZ, average yield: 26.68 q/ha in CWZ, maturity: early (84 days), moderate resistant to fusarium stalk rot (FSR) and curvularia leaf spot (CLS), moderate tolerant to Chilo partellus. Baby corn GAYMH-1 (GAYMH-1) Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat Suitable for kharif season in PZ and CWZ, average yield: 14.36 q/ha in PZ and 22.99 q/ha in CWZ, moderate susceptible to moderate resistant against c. rust and turcicum leaf blight (TLB) in PZ, moderate resistant against c. rot, Rajasthan downey mildew (RDM) and curvularia leaf spot (CLS) diseases in CWZ, moderate resistant against Chilo partellus in both PZ and CWZ.