Poachers themselves hunted, Save the Bird campaign also killed 50 crore animals in Gujarat under Modi’s rule

Poachers themselves hunted, Save the Bird campaign, BUT killed 50 crore animals in Gujarat under Modi’s rule

Dilip Patel January 2022

Gujarat BJP’s campaign is going on for mercy. BJP is making political efforts to save 10,000 birds. But in Gujarat actually years

But in the 20 years of BJP rule, 50 crore big cattle and 300 crore small cattle, chickens and fish are killed.

About 350 CR animals are killed every year.

Karuna Abhiyan has been started by Bharatiya Janata Party. During the Uttarayan festival, a compassionate campaign is being run from January 10 to 20 to save the injured birds from kite flying and to treat the injured birds.

Forest Minister Kirit Singh Rana

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Minister Raghavji Patel and Minister of State for Forest and Environment Jagdish Panchal Review

running for five years

546 doctors and 6 thousand volunteers will participate

764 Bird Diagnostic Center

Jeev Daya has appealed to everyone to participate in this campaign.

It has been asked not to fly kites before 9 in the morning and after 6 in the evening.

In 5 years, more than 55 thousand birds were rescued in the state.

Last year more than 9,000 birds were injured. In which about 750 birds died.

This announcement was made by BJP’s media area convener Dr. Yagnesh Dave yesterday.

But in Gujarat, 35 to 40 crore animals are being killed only for human food. In which eggs are counted, a total of 225 crore animals are killed using food.

Then why only violence and other prohibitions and warnings are given in Hindu festivals.

If fireworks are used in 130 countries of the world, then why the ban on Diwali?

All these questions have been raised before the Hindu government.

to hunt

30 crore fish

80 lakh bulls

185 crore eggs

3 crore chickens

56 lakh bullocks were reduced

90 lakh pada less

How much meat, milk and eggs are eaten

The details of what the Gujarat government has done for 2019-20 are eye-opening.

Buffalo meat eats 3% of the total meat of 10.79 lakh kg

Goat meat is 6.36 lakh kg. which is 2% of the total meat

Lamb is of 3.25 lakh kg. is a percentage

Pig meat weighs 1.25 lakh kg, which is 1% of the total meat.

There are 14 lakh kg of indigenous chickens. Which is about 4% of the total meat.

The improved chicken is 50 lakh kg, which is 14% of the total meat.

The weight of Boucher bird is 151 million kg which is 75% of the total meat.

Buffalo, goat, sheep and pig together produced 2166 tonnes of meat in a year.

In contrast, per capita milk production is 600 grams per day.

Egg production per capita is 28 eggs per year. In 2015-16, 26 eggs were eaten in Gujarat.

The total milk production was 1530 crore kg. And the egg was 193 crore nuggets.

The total production of eggs was 185 crores which increased to 193 crores in a single year. 4 percent increase.

eggs, chicken

Indori Gujarat

The people of Gujarat ate a total of 185 crore eggs in 2018-19, of which 23 crore eggs were from indigenous chickens and 163 crore eggs of improved breeds.

People of Gujarat eat meat of 3 crore chickens every year. In Gujarat, 27 eggs are eaten per person per year. 10 thousand crore eggs are eaten every year in India. India lays 74 eggs per person.

chicken meat

Gujarat eats 3 crore chickens a year. Which is 30 thousand tons of chicken. Thus, Gujarat is no longer a non-violent state. Because the consumption of eggs in Gujarat is increasing at the rate of 7.14% every year.

The trend of eating eggs increased due to the arrival of BJP

By the year 2000, the practice of eating chicken or eggs was decreasing every year. But in the decade after 2001, egg consumption has increased by 15.34 percent during the Modi era. The growth rate from 2010 to 2018 was 4.38 percent. The reason for this is that if the state government wants to set up a poultry farm of 100, it provides Rs 36,000 for the construction of the poultry farm.

Legislative Statistics Beef

The BJP government believes that the meat of cow or bull is not eaten in Gujarat. But in the two years 2020 and 2021, 65 thousand kg of beef was confiscated.

There were 2200 cows, 800 bulls, 1500 calves, 220 bulls.

31 thousand kg were seized in Surat, 10 thousand kg in Ahmedabad and 7 thousand kg in Dahod. Beef was caught.

There are 667 gaushalas and 269 cages. There are 2.12 lakh cattle in 814 institutions.

11 thousand stray cattle have been kept in cages.

Narendra Modi came to power in 2014 in the name of pink revolution.

March 2020

In the name of Pink Revolution, Narendra Modi came to power in 2014 by making Congress a nationwide campaign issue against Manmohan Singh’s government.

opposed to beef.

Now, under the BJP rule, India has become the largest beef exporter. Beef is cut openly in Gujarat. Strict laws have been relaxed.

Beef production requires 28 times more land and 11 times more water than vegetables.

Modi came to India number nine in the world in beef export

In 2014, when Modi became the Prime Minister, beef exports stood at 14.75 lakh tonnes. Under the Congress-led Manmohan Singh government, beef exports stood at 13.65 lakh tonnes in 2013-14. In 2016, 15.5 lakh tonnes of beef was exported.

Now India is the leading country in the world.

Cow meat in the name of buffalo meat

slaughter of bulls

When Modi came to power there were 74,000 cows and bulls. There were 71 thousand buffaloes.

At present there are 1 crore buffaloes.

There are 96 lakh cows and bulls.

There was a population of 1 crore cattle in 2012, but the population of 2019

There were 96 lakh cattle in the census. In this way there has been a decrease of 4 lakhs in 8 years. The decline in the population of cows is 3.50 percent.

76.50 lakh cows. The number of bullocks must be there but the number of bullocks is 20 lakhs. It literally means that 56 lakh bullocks have been culled. what is natural


The number of bullocks was 32 lakh in 2012, which has come down to 20 lakh in 2019.

When a cow gives birth to a calf, more males are produced than females. Yet the male-bull population is only 20 percent. So 80 per cent i.e. 80 lakh less than the current population, the question is where are the calves.

Gujarat produces 10 lakh calves and 10 lakh calves every year.

In which 9 lakh calves die or are killed.

There are total 96 lakh cows and bullocks with 44 lakh indigenous cows and hybrid cows. The total population of Gujarat is 18.50 lakh bullocks.

That is, 77.50 lakh bulls are short.

The release of a report of the Gujarat Agriculture Department is shocking. This is extremely worrying for dairy, agriculture, land and farmers. Bulls used for farming are becoming extinct. 30 years ago every farmer had one or more pairs of bullocks. Now 90 percent of the farmers do not have bullocks.

The governor and government of Gujarat are emphasizing on cow based farming. But the bulls have become extinct in agriculture. In its place, mini tractors have come.

Out of 56 lakh farmers, 50 lakh farmers do not have bullocks. A total of 6 lakh farmers have 12 lakh bullocks.

The total population of Gujarat is 18.50 lakh bullocks.

There are 3.83 lakh calves up to two years old.

there are 73 thousand bulls

Only 10% of the farmers cultivate with bullocks. Others have entered the mechanical age.

This is the policy of the hypocritical BJP government with Hindu ideology. In the government of Jain Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and the previous government of Narendra Modi, farmers have stopped keeping lakhs of bulls.

Now there are 56 lakh farmers in 2021. They should have 1.50 crore bulls by now. But there are only 12 lakhs.

There are 44 lakh indigenous cows. There are 62 lakh indigenous cows and bullocks. Cross Breed – There are total 96 lakh cows and bulls with crossbred cows.

There are 1.35 lakh crossbred bulls of foreign breeds.

There are 3.2 million cows that have been cross-bred with an exotic breed. Altogether the total number of cows is about 1 crore. Governor says that cow based farming should be done. But farming is being done without oxen.

The end of the government of Hindu ideology

The government has been pretending to be a Hindu ideology since 1996. Since then oxen are being slaughtered.

When a cow gives birth to a calf, it has 50 percent calves and 50 percent calves. But the bulls are going to the slaughterhouse. The Hindu BJP government says that cows are not being slaughtered in Gujarat but statistics say that bulls are being slaughtered instead of cows.

class of fish

27 types of shrimp, 30 types of crabs, 200 types of fish are found in Gujarat.

Every year 30 crore fish are caught in Gujarat.

December 2020

Gujarat produced 1.50 lakh tonnes of fish in 2019-20. Which produced 1 lakh tonnes of fish 10 years ago.

Fish production was expected to increase to 5 lakh tonnes in 10 years. It couldn’t happen.

In Gujarat, 5 lakh tonnes of fish have been lost due to pollution.

Even though at least 1.5 million tonnes of fish can be produced in Gujarat today, it cannot be done.

Question to BJP – BJP’s campaign or campaign for mercy

Question to the leaders- Why is BJP doing political gimmicks to save 10 thousand birds?

Karuna for whom – Why do we kill 35 crore animals every year in Gujarat?

Question to BJP- Why Hindutva BJP’s game only in Hindu festivals?

Question to the government – who is responsible for killing a total of 225 crores with eggs

Question from Saffron Party – Why violence is seen only in Hindu festivals?

Question to BJP: Why are 30 crore fish not caught and eaten?

Question from cow devotees – answer why 56 lakh bulls are less

Question to the government – the farm will be closed by producing 185 crore eggs and 3 crore chickens

BJP Yamraj – Give account of where 1 crore pada is less

Question to Vishwa Hindu Parishad – If 1 lakh kg of beef is confiscated, then the cow will not be killed

Question from VHP – Why the population of bull and cow is not same

Question to Bajrang Dal- If cow dynasty is not slaughtered then why less bulls?

BJP’s sad question- Who eats 11 lakh kg of buffalo meat?

Question from BJP 6.36 lakh kg goat and 3.25 lakh kg lamb were sold

Who eats chicken – it doesn’t matter if you eat 65 lakh kg of chicken meat

Question to BJP- If Boichar Bird eats 1.51 crore kg, then why doesn’t it stop?

Why did the non-vegetarian increase, why did the consumption of eggs increase by 20% under the BJP rule?

Question to Jeevdaya – 667 cowsheds, 269 2.12 lakh cattle in Panjrapoli

Question to Narendra Modi- If Pink came to power in the name of revolution, why did beef exports increase?

People’s question- The paddy was killed after drinking sour buttermilk, what about the calf?

Question from farmers – Out of 56 lakh farmers, 50 lakh farmers do not have bullocks, why?

Question from farmers – why 90% of farmers stopped keeping bulls

Question to Jains – Why did the killing increase in Jain Chief Minister Vijay Rupani’s government?

Question to the Hindu government- If cows are not slaughtered in Gujarat, then why the slaughter of bulls?