Explanation of Patil’s statement: Not a single leader including Rupani from Gujarat can win elections without Modi

Gandhinagar, 29 June 2021

Gujarat BJP state president CR Patil, without naming Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, said in Patan that not a single leader of Gujarat BJP has the power to win elections. You are winning elections in the name of Narendra Modi. Narendra Modi is the only leader in Gujarat BJP who is popular even today. His popularity is unmatched by any other politician. There is no other popular leader other than Modi.

Patik said that our leaders make mistakes even after being elected and the workers work by forgetting the mistakes of the leaders. I know that no Gujarat BJP leader has the power to win elections on his own. If BJP leaders really win the trust of voters, then they are true workers and leaders.

North Gujarat is the area of ​​Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel. Patil has directly attacked Vijay Rupani without taking names, saying that no BJP leader has the power to win the election.

But what he doesn’t know is that despite Narendra Modi’s share in the 2021 by-elections to the 8th Gujarat Assembly, all Congress seats were won by BJP candidates, except by flying a seaplane. He also won the local body elections of 8 municipalities, municipalities and district and taluka panchayats without Narendra Modi.

With the state assembly elections coming up in 2022, CR Patil is pushing for the formation of Page Committee and Page President in this election as well as the local elections. They are asking questions to leaders and workers to form page committees in different areas of the state.

Area leaders have raised eyebrows. The leaders of the region felt that the statement was an insult. After his statement, there has been an uproar in the organizational structure of the state including North Gujarat. Those who won elections on their own are shocked by CR Patil’s statement that even if Modi’s name comes up in elections, we are present in our constituency. We are popular in the area so voters vote for us. Vote for the party.