Lack of nutrients in Rice and Roti

Gandhinagar, 24 June 2021

To deal with the deficiency of nutrients like zinc and iron in the body, doctors recommend a good diet. But rice and bread are no longer as nutritious as before.

Nutrients are decreasing in rice and wheat. Most of the wheat and rice are eaten in Gujarat. The 17 to 30 percent drop in zinc and iron has raised many health questions.

The human nutrient zinc in wheat has decreased by 29.42 percent in 50 years. Iron in wheat has fallen by 19.27 percent in 50 years.

The useful element zinc in rice has decreased by 23.98 percent in 50 years. Man-made iron in rice has decreased by 16.7 percent.

Agricultural Research Institute

Research conducted by scientists from several institutions, including Gujarat, along with the Indian Agricultural Research Institute and Vidhanchandra Agricultural University in West Bengal, is a matter of concern to the 6.50 crore people of Gujarat.

The density of essential nutrients in rice and wheat does not exceed the density of rice and wheat obtained from agriculture 50 years ago. Zinc and iron deficiency have been found in rice and wheat cultivation.

A startling discovery comes after two consecutive years of research on 16 varieties of rice and 18 varieties of wheat for two consecutive years 2018 from the gene bank located at the National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Orissa and the Indian Wheat and Barley Research Institute- 19 and 2019-20.

2 years research

The seeds of rice and wheat varieties grown in the 1960s were collected in 2018 and then grown in the university’s fertile soil without any elemental deficiencies. Adequate nutrients were provided.

When analyzed after two years of sowing and harvesting, significant deficiencies of zinc and iron were found in wheat and paddy before 50.

Deficiency of nutrients in rice

The densities of zinc and iron in sorghum varieties grown in the 1960s were 27.1 mg per kg of zinc and 59.8 mg of iron per kg.

When tested in 2020, zinc was 20.6 mg per kg and iron was 43.1 mg per kg.

Deficiency of nutrients in wheat

Wheat varieties in the 1960s had a density of 33.3 mg per kg of zinc and 57.6 mg per kg of iron.

In 2020, zinc will be 23.5 mg per kg and iron will be 46.5 mg per kg.


There can be many reasons for this type of zinc and iron deficiency in wheat and rice. Zinc and iron collide. who try to undermine each other.

In the race to get more grain production, there is a shortage of nutrients. This literally means that plants cannot retain their nutrients against the rate of increase in yield. Production increases but nutrients decrease.

It is suspected that other natural elements may cause degradation.

Zinc and iron tablets should be taken to overcome the deficiency.


Lack of essential nutrients in rice and wheat is a serious problem. Other options, such as biofortification, will have to be considered by agricultural scientists. To produce food crops rich in micronutrients.

Elements decreased but production increased

There has been a big decline in zinc and iron in 50 years but there has been no decline in production. Increased.

Provides zinc, more iron to increase production

Farmers use more zinc and iron to increase production. As a result the yield has increased but the nutrients have also decreased.

Elements have been declining for 30 years

New varieties of wheat and paddy developed after 1990 are not able to meet the deficiency of zinc and iron. So the agricultural scientists of Gujarat have to invent new varieties.

What are the agricultural scientists of Vijapur called?

According to scientists at the Main Wheat Research Center in Vijapur, the current varieties of wheat grown by farmers in Gujarat include G.W. 366, G.W. 322, G.W. 496, G.W. 503, G.W. 190, G.W. 273, G.W. is 11. There are different varieties of damar.

No one kills for country

Scientists of Gujarat say that while sowing wheat, apply 10 to 12 tonnes of domestic manure per hectare. But farmers don’t kill. Chemical fertilizers only. Cows and oxen have stopped keeping farmers. So this kind of situation is coming and going.

Increased planting and production

Rice production has increased by 125 percent and wheat production by 300 percent in 10 years. 60 years ago these 30 cereals had 40 percent of the diet, which has increased to 21 percent in 2006 and 11 percent in 2020.

Agricultural scientists believe that in 50 years all these traditional varieties of cereals will become extinct.

The area under paddy has increased by 1.10 lakh hectares. 7.36 lakh hectare to 8.48 lakh.

Gujarat’s 30 grains extinct

There were about 30 varieties of traditional grains of Gujarat such as Bunti, Nagli, Homli, Kang, Kuri, Kodra, Bavto, Rajgaro, Vari, Chhina. which has been destroyed. Instead, the cultivation of wheat has been increased.

Saving jowar, bajra and maize

The tide is going up and down. Jowar grown in 42 thousand hectares has also increased in 77 thousand hectares. Same is the case with millet. Bajra cultivation has halved from 3.55 lakh hectares to 1.84 lakh hectares.

Falling corn

Maize crop has come down from 3.73 lakh hectare to 3 lakh hectare. Which shows that there has been a big change in the diet of the people and there has been a fall in the prices of agricultural crops.

Fillet bump against the weather Tax

People do not harvest rice, wheat in monsoon, with the exception of traditional bajra, maize and jowar, which has shifted to winter crops.

Millet is a crop that can withstand even the biggest climate change.

is here. Yet hundreds of subspecies of millet have become extinct. There was a different variety of millet per taluka and now there is only one hybrid variety.

Health crisis due to lack of diversity

Genetic mutations can cause great harm to health. The traditional seeds of their own village are no more. Other cereal crops are being wiped out because the same seeds are being grown. In 30 thousand hectares, this variety of cereals has been reduced to 12-15 thousand hectares.

This change will enrich agriculture but will also spoil the health of the people of Gujarat. Ragi, Kanji whose excellent crops are now extinct.

Natural farming methods

What happened to wheat and rice can happen to other hybrid varieties as well. The solution is natural farming. Ripe rice, wheat, bajra, maize, sorghum and 30 grain chemical or hybrid varieties are to be returned.