Gujarat government serve black Kadaknath hen to children, food as medicine for many diseases

Gandhinagar, 11 october 2020

There is a great demand for a particular type of chicken in Gujarat. With the onset of winter, there is a huge frenzy of chicken, egg eating. Its eggs cure many diseases. Cures cancer and heart disease. So people are buying these chickens at a high price and look forward to 6 months with advance payment on the waiting list to buy them. Because it is beneficial in many diseases. Recent demand has increased significantly. Now that winter has started, the demand for black Karkanath will increase.

There are many species of chickens in Gujarat. In which native hen lays 114 to 178 eggs in a year. Better hens lay 287 to 336 eggs. Kadaknath lays eggs from 200-240 in a year.

Non-vegetarian Gujarat

A total of 185 crore eggs were eaten by the people of Gujarat in 2017-18, of which 23 crore indigenous eggs and 163 crore eggs are repaired improved verities. The people of Gujarat eat the meat of 3 crore chickens every year. 27 eggs are eaten per head per year. 10,000 crore eggs are eaten every year in India. India consumes 74 eggs per person. Gujarat has 3 crore chickens eat in a year. Whose chicken weighs 30 thousand tons. Thus, Gujarat is no longer a non-violent state. This is because egg consumption in Gujarat is increasing at a rate of 7.14% every year. By the year 2000, the practice of eating hens or eggs was decreasing every year. But since 2001, in the Modi era, egg consumption has increased by 15.34 percent. From 2010 to 2018, the increase was 4.38 percent. The reason for this is that if one wants to set up 100 poultry centers, the government provides assistance of Rs. 60 thousand. Now, Kaddanath chicken increasing rapidly.

Kaddanath chicken

There are three varieties of Kadaknath chicken. Kadaknath chicken is supplied by passenger trains from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh and Vadodara in Gujarat. Their demand has increased since the lockout. Kadaknath has a two-month waiting list. Kadaknath chickens lay 15 to 20 eggs a month.

Gujarat government starts giving Kadaknath cock

The government of Jain Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, considered a minority and non-violent community of Gujarat, has come up with a plan to feed chicken and eggs to the people of Gujarat. To fight malnutrition, the Gujarat government provides 1 kadaknath hen and 10 eggs per child. In Dahod, such eggs are being given in schools. Most people in Dahod do not eat meat. But the government believes that eggs are not meat. Is a vegetarian. The tribal of Gujarat identify Kadaknath as Kali Masi.

Blood and flesh too black

Everything about the Kadaknath chicken is black. Blood, bones and entire body are black. Skin, beak, feet, flesh, feathers, bones, blood, crest, tongue, feet, nails, skin are black.

Medicinal properties

There is a lot of demand for Kadnath breed hens. Known for its medicinal properties, low fat, attractive dark complexion, taste, etc. Eggs and meat intake increase significantly with the onset of winter. It is also better than boiler and desi chicken. Rich in iron, its flesh is black.

Treatment for heart and diabetes

Kadaknath’s black meat is significantly lower in fat and cholesterol than other breeds of chicken, while it has a high protein content. Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, C, E, Niacin, Calcium, Phosphorus and Hemoglobin are rich. It is rich in protein. Fat is too low. 25 to 27 percent protein is found. While other chickens have only 18 to 20 percent protein. Chicken has 0.73 percent fat, while other chickens have 13 to 25 percent fat. The cholesterol level is found to be 184 milligrams per 100 grams of chicken, 218 milligrams in other chickens. Chicken has 24 percent linoleic acid. It has a high iron content, which makes it more beneficial for women. Meat is said to be very beneficial for cancer patients, diabetics and heart patients.

Madhya Pradesh

It is found only in Jhabua, Dhar and Alirajpur in Madhya Pradesh in the world. Kadaknath is the only dark-skinned rooster in India. It is more common in Jhabua and Alirajpur in Madhya Pradesh and from there it is sent to nearby states. There are many Kadaknath  in Gujarat.

The chicken

Kadaknath is quite different from chicken. Prices range from Rs 500 to Rs 1200 per kg. The price per hen is 200-250 rupees. Kadaknath chicken are ready in four to five months. Along with broilers and layer farming, Kadaknath is raising chickens.

Price of eggs

The market is changing. It costs Rs 15 to Rs 70 per egg. A simple egg costs Rs. 7.