How 60 percent of election funds of unrecognized parties are going from Gujarat

The registration of the new party has become a business, the dirty business of the political parties of Gujarat has come to the fore.

Gandhinagar, 10 February 2021

Out of donations of Rs 90 crore to 138 parties in the years 2018-19 and 2017-18, Gujarat donors donated Rs 54.20 crore fund – to unrecognized political parties. For 25 years, the BJP government has been in power in Gujarat, people do not know how 60 per cent donation from Gujarat is being passed on to another political party. Thus, political parties in Gujarat are making a fuss. Many people believe that they should be investigated.

There are 39 unrecognized political parties in the 2020 Election Commission of Gujarat elections.

In Gujarat, many types of political parties field their candidates in local bodies elections in 2021. There are 2299 candidates in the fray in 6 municipal corporations. There are 771 candidates in Ahmedabad, 287 in Vadodara, 484 in Surat, 236 in Jamnagar, 310 in Rajkot and 211 in Bhavnagar.

Out of 1704 candidates for 192 seats in 48 wards of Ahmedabad city, 907 candidates were disqualified. There are 774 candidates with 23 withdrawn forms. 4 NCP candidates withdrew their candidature.

In the last Lok Sabha, 51 political parties were in the fray in Gujarat. It has 12 parties registered. There were a large number of parties which were not recognized in the Election Commission.

There are 2360 political parties across the country. There are 2301 non-recognized parties i.e. 97.50 percent parties.

Thus, in every election, the number of unrecognized parties is increasing. Anyone can become a party and can register on-line with the Election Commission by forming their own party. If a party can get the required percentage of votes, it is recognized as a political party. Thus the Aam Aadmi Party will get good votes in Gujarat this time, so it will become a recognized party in Gujarat.

Double team in 10 years

New political parties have doubled in the last 10 years since the BJP came to power three years ago and since. In 2010, there were 1112 parties. Which has increased to 2310 in 2019. In 2018 and 2019, the parties grew by 9.8 percent. Between 2013 and 2014, 18 percent of new parties entered the market. Registration of parties has increased since the election this year.

100 percent tax rebate

Such parties enjoy 100 percent tax exemption by receiving donations. He also receives donations if he or his own candidate stands. It is necessary to decide how to use the donation. Candidates can play the state game of withdrawal of candidature with strong parties by taking membership.

Registering new parties has become a business.

Helping the party in power to handle campaign literature and election expenses. The ruling party buys votes with the help of such vocal parties.

ADR Organization

Such parties do not inform the Election Commission of the accounts where they spent crores of rupees. A study of 138 unrecognized parties by an organization called ADR showed that they have wide eyes. Which is shocking for democracy.

Submit 3.50 percent annual report

Out of 2301 invalid parties, only 78 parties, or 3.39 percent, disclosed their accounts in 2018-19. In 2017-18, 82 parties reported 3.56 percent yearly. The voters did not know the details of what they did in the rest of the accounts. Details of who donated it and where it was spent will never be revealed. The punch is given after months and years in handing over the report.

Why Gujarat

6860 donors donated 65.45 crores to 138 parties in the year 2018-19. In 2017-18, 6138 donors donated Rs 24.60 crore. Out of the Rs 90 crore donation, donors from Gujarat donated Rs 54.20 crore to unrecognized political parties. Hardly 12 crores came from Maharashtra.

Donation of 1000 crores?

On average, a party gets a donation of Rs 50 lakh from the above accounts. According to him, 2300 parties can get a donation of Rs 1,000 crore. Maybe even more. No account is given to the Election Commission. That money is tax-exempt and 96 percent of it is not accounted for by parties or leaders.

Only 5% of illegal parties in Gujarat pay heed. In a democracy, voters do not know what the rest of the people do.

Personal donation

Fewer donations are received from any donor companies or businesses. But 82 percent are individual donations.

1 percent wins

Out of 2300 parties, 30 parties won seats. Of these, only 3 political parties submitted accounts to the Election Commission. The big problem is that such parties do not contest elections for years. Yet its registration punch continues. Some parties have been sidelined.

List of recognized political parties in Gujarat

Mahagujarat Janata Party

Indian National Janata Dal

Bharatiya Janata Party

Democratic Nationalist Party

All India Hindu Mahasabha

National Communal Integration Party

Tribal army party

Sua government

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Party

Suva Jagriti Dal

Nationalist Lokshakti Party

Rashtriya Vikas Abhiyan Party

National Civil Rights Party

Naveen Bharat Nirman Manch

Nationalist Conscious Party

Bahujan security team

Thus the Janata Party

Nationalist party of india

Indian public interest forum

Bahujan Mukti P Artie

Stay awake party

National social party

Party of your country

Public development forum

All India Aapi Aap Party

Jana Sangh Party

Indian Tribal Party

Mass community party

Real Democracy Party

System change party

Indian Civil Protection Party

Public council of india

National mass revolution party

Jan Satya Path Party