How is the satire of saffron English in Gujarat more than the whites of Gandhiji’s time, how is it less a matter of oppression?

How is the satire of saffron English in Gujarat more than the whites of Gandhiji's time, how is it less a matter of oppression?

Dilip Patel

Ahmedabad, 21 March 2020

Gujarat Power Corporation Ltd., a state-owned enterprise in Badi-Padwa village of Ghogha taluka of Bhavnagar. Farmers are agitating Satyagraha movement against (GPCL). The British did not the lathi charge in India at the time of independence, but the saffron British government of BJP was brutally tortured here 2018. People who have not yet forgotten. Heavy pollution is spreading here for 25 km. Nothing grows on the farm. The lignite particles fall on the field crops and thus the plants are destroyed. Farmers do not grow crops here 25km.

In India, perhaps the longest since 1996, the 35-year-old and the 20-year-old movement has been running. Now the agitation against pollution has begun, which will last for another 10 years, and the life expectancy of power plants and human beings will be over. The movement had caught the attention of the entire country. Now a new fight is in progress. This movement attracts even more attention than Gandhi’s agitation against the British, which is why the saffron British are being persecuted here.

Pollution destroyed

Due to fall of Bhavnagar district and pollution of ground water in surrounding areas, the loss of agriculture has started again. Earlier, 12 village farmers fought against lignite and land acquisition against the government company. Now, the situation of another fight has been created as their farming land and water are getting worse. People’s health is getting worse.

Government company

Farmers before the Government of Gujarat and the Pollution Control Board say that, save their farming. The state government’s electricity generation company Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited (GSECL) has been accused of pollution. GSECL, which operates a lignite-based power plant, launched Bhavnagar Energy Company Ltd. about 18 months ago. The occupied plant was occupied.

Groundwater pollution as a result of the plant damages agricultural crops and drinking water is no longer potable.

Opposition of village leaders

Water samples were taken by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) on 24 and 29 January 2020. Ground water pollution has come out in the investigated water samples. Senior village activist Ghanshyam Singh Jadeja has directed the Chief Minister’s attention on pollution and requested to stop the pollution.

Power station

Gujarat government has invested Rs.5000 crore for a 500 MW Bhavanagar Energy Company Limited plant. One unit of 250 MW was started on 16 May 2016 and another 250 MW unit was started on 27 March 2017.

Around 4 million tonnes of lignite smoke

The officials here work at the behest of the government of Gandhinagar. On the excavation of lignite minerals, Collector Harshad Patel announced on 2 April 2018 that GPCL generates 500 MW of electricity from lignite. The power station has 4 million (40 lakh) metric tonnes of GPCL at Ghogha-Surka (2.25 million metric tonnes a year), Khadsaliya-1 (1 million metric tonnes-year) and Khadsliya-2 (0.75 million metric tonnes-year).

The three lignite mines have a total of 90.75 million metric tons of lignite. The lignite that is used for power generation at the power plant.

Another 1.1 million tonnes of GMDC

GMDC’s Surca from North Maine also 1.1. Millions of metric tons of tons of lignite will provide up to 20 years. The GPCL seized 1414-58-18 (1.50 million square meters) hectares of land from 1114 farmers in 11 villages of Ghogha and Bhavnagar taluks.

The approval of the mine was obtained from the Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Forest and Environment as well as the pollution control board of the state. A lease on mineral concession has also been made with the Bhavnagar collector

Save the environment

Ahmedabad-based environmental NGO Mahesh Pandya, an environmental friend, said in a letter to Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani that despite repeated appearances, nothing was done.

Irrigation wells and bore polluted

The volume of water-filled solid (TDS) in the village well is 2,833 milligrams a liter, while the chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 30 milligrams a liter. It has come much higher than the standards set.

Checkadam polluted all over

The GPCB sample, a sample of 3,140 mg a liter, COD 489 mg a liter and 61 mg a TDS of biological oxygen demand (BOD) were collected from the checkdams at the premises of the lignite plant. GSECL pours waste water into the checkdam. Which is a criminal offense. Clearly, pollutants enter and pollute the groundwater of nearby rural areas.

Polluted water was released into the open

The GPCB sample revealed that the open stream channel had TDS 2068 mg one liter, COD 837 mg one liter, and BOD 107 mg a liter. In the channel, the water taken up to the chekdem is released into the effluent plant without being purified. Due to which the farmers are being ruined.

Movement against saffron British for over 20 years

Controversy has been going on against the government company for 20 years, demanding fair compensation among the farmers of 12 villages, including the Badi-Padwa. Amid the controversy, the company had started mining operations. This led to fury among the farmers. The Satyagraha movement had begun. Now, it is the behavior of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who are insensitive to the people of the village, who have to fight against pollution for another eight years. BJP state president Jeetu Vaghani, a saffron Englishman and power minister Saurabh Dalal, have no sympathy for the people as they are from Bhavnagar-Botad.

Atrocities by the Police

Several teargas shells were left to disperse the farmers. Farmers were brutally beaten by police after protesting against land acquisition. Twenty years ago, 140 acres of Pawada village was occupied. Now 12 villages had to be occupied. 20 years ago GPCL acquired the land of the Lignite Company for farming. However, the company did not do any work on the land for many years. But now the farmers have started the war with the company coming to take possession of the land. Farmers are demanding to pay land prices at today’s market prices.

The ruthless Rupani made a lathi charge

Police also released more than 50 teargas shells to disperse protesting farmers. A rally of 500 people was going to the site of the rally GPCL company from Surka village. Sticks were pounding. He was brutally and brutally stabbed by the government in a ruthless and brutal way on the legs and on different parts of the body. The inhuman atrocities were committed by the BJP Rupani government.

Saffron english

Appeals were given in the court, including programs like agitation, rallies, dharna on the spot. Nevertheless, the company has resorted to the police with the help of police, fired lathicharge and abandoned teargas. So the people of the village protested by giving the rose flowers. Children from 12 villages left school. He also got his school leaving certificate. Yet the voice of insensitive Vijay Rupani and Saurabh Dalal had no voice. Satyagraha and non-cooperation movement also did. Despite this, the deaf government of the BJP did not listen to him.

Outrage at the farm

A two-day Pratik Dharana, Satyagraha, was held at Ghogha Mamlatdar office. Nevertheless, the company took possession of the land and started work on it. With the use of force, we will take possession of the land and stop the work that has already started. With such determination, women, along with the elderly, arrived at the mining site of Surka village to protest peacefully in the village of Hoedad ​​village of Ghogha taluka on Sunday. It is a violation of law to take women and children to the police station after 7pm. However, women and children were taken to police stations at night.

Despite peaceful satyagraha, the police had announced that they would go the way of Bhagat Singh when they were oppressed.

In each court term, 350 people are lined up

Even today, 350 people, including women and children, are present together when the court is due. It will probably be India’s first court case, with 350 people appearing before the court at the same time.

Wish death

On April 23, 2018, 5259 people from 12 villages demanded a death letter to the Precedent of India, District Collector, including the  Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Governor, in writing.

How many were given to farmers

The amount fixed under the consent award was given to the farmers for Rs 36 crore. 2.5 lakh per hectare was given for irrigated land and 2.75 lakh for horticultural land. Which increased from 1997 to 2005.

Public RG in the High Court

To cancel the process of acquisition of land, the farmers filed in the High Court and the Supreme Court of the country, in which, in the other 400 disputes in which the farmers applied for public interest, the provisions of 24-2 Rule of Land Acquisition along with 27 lakh farmers were given by the farmers or against the farmers. Was. Now, together with Anand Yagnik, the farmers are going to appeal the 7-judge bench in the Supreme Court.

Section 144 in villages

In the 11 villages of Bhavnagar and Ghogha taluks till next November 16, 2018, the procession without prohibition and the gathering of more than four persons was banned under section 144. It has rarely happened in Gujarat that the 144th Article has been imposed.

Net ban

From April 1 to 8, the mobile net was banned from banning social media, internet services.

What was farming

The main occupation of the people of the village is farming, farming and pastoralism. The village mainly cultivates wheat, cumin, groundnut, sesame, millet, chickpeas, cotton, divela, rajakas and other vegetable crops. The village has facilities like Primary School, Secondary School, Higher Secondary School, Panchayat Ghar, Anganwadi and Milk Dairy. Students from nearby villages like Badi, Surka, Malekavadar, Rajpar, Kareda, Wallespur, Nathugadh, Vawadi, Morchand, Chhaya and Panayali are here to study. This village and the nearby village of Badi are also known as Badi-Padwa. (Translation from Gujarati, read the Gujarati original report when there is any sense or confusion.)