India Mecca Summit-2022: India moves forward, Gujarat pushes back

India Mecca Summit-2022: India moves forward, Gujarat pushes back

Dilip Patel, 17 May 2022

The country’s premier commercial and industry body FICCI organized the ‘India Mecca Summit-2022′. The Indian maize sector is likely to benefit from the increasing demand for maize in the poultry sector. The demand for maize at the local level is growing much faster than its production.

The shocking information about why Gujarat has become backward in the matter of maize has come to the fore. Although the MSP of maize has increased by 43 per cent in 8 years, its benefits have not reached the 1 crore tribals of Gujarat.

Due to the use of maize as food in many areas, including poultry farming and ethanol production, the popularity of maize is increasing rapidly not only in Gujarat but also in India and the world. But Gujarat is lagging behind in production.

The United States produces the most corn in the world, followed by China and Brazil. In India, maize is also cultivated on a large scale in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Gujarat cannot face all these states. The apathy of the government towards the tribals is considered repressive. It is believed that this situation arose because scientists were not given the facility to produce good seeds.

Maize is the most widely used crop in the world. Cornbread, popcorn, corn flakes are used. Used as food for cattle, chickens, pigs.

Farmers have also benefited greatly from the increase in maize production. But the productivity and cultivation of maize in Gujarat should not increase. Workers’ failure. Twenty years ago in 2000-01, Gujarat had sown and produced 2.88 lakh tonnes of maize in 3.82 lakh hectares. Productivity was only 754 kg.

tribal monopoly

Monopoly maize is cultivated in 9 out of 13 districts of the tribal area. Where there are more pigs, farmers shy away from growing maize. In 1998-99, the productivity was 1705 kg with 7 lakh tonnes in 4 lakh hectares.


In 2019-20, Gujarat has a crop of 4.90 lakh tonnes of maize in 3 lakh hectares, with an average production of 1608 kg of maize per hectare. In 26 out of 33 districts, maize is not cultivated by the farmers. Sowing of maize has not been done in all the 11 districts of Saurashtra.


Farmers grow 3200 kg of maize per hectare in Tapi district, the highest in the state. The farmers of Banaskantha are second with 2200 kg per hectare. The farmers of Aravalli are at number three.


With 40 per cent of the total plantation in Gujarat, Dahod has 2.60 lakh tonnes of which 1.70 lakh hectares of maize has been planted. Which is 33 percent of the total production of the state.


Panchmahal ranks second in the cultivation of maize, which accounts for 20 percent of the state’s total cultivated area of ​​83,000 hectares. 1.45 lakh tonnes of maize is produced in Panchmahal. Which is 18.23 percent of the state. Thus 60 percent of the maize is grown by the tribals of these two districts only. Maize is the most grown crop in Panchmahal.


Maize is cultivated in 33 thousand hectares in Mahisagar district, which is second only to Kharif crops. Ravi is also the second most cultivated district of the season.

excellent productivity

Aravalli district is the one where 2756 kg of maize is grown per hectare.

The yield of Dang is 2515 hectares. These two districts have the highest productivity in the state.