Like Munnabhai MBBS, Kovid Hospital was started overnight, with peple asking the collector to investigate on social media 

Gandhinagar, 12 August 2020
An e-application has been submitted to the Collector of Banaskantha, Gujarat. In the time of Corona, you are allowed to spend government in the name of Janata Hospital, in Deesa. Check whether the Government Hospital’s is actually a hospital. Like Munnabhai MBBS, this hospital has been started overnight. Where there was no hospital. But sealed Bilding of BJP leaders had been empty for 15 years. Now the hospital is starts. It also does not have hospital facilities. Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has a people friendly literate  government,  Vijay Rupanin’s illiterate government. Where the hospital is started like the illiterate Munnabhai.

BJP leader’s Munnabhai Hospital
The Janata Hospital of Amarnath Corporation does not have fire safety arrangements. There is only one ladder. Hospitalization with corona patients is a risk. The collector has been informed through social media. The message is being repeated to the Banaskantha Collector to be revealed through social media in 3 days, immediately check out Munnabhai Hospital. Like Sanjay Dutt’s Munnabhai MBBS, many details will be revealed here.

Courtesy of Shankarsinh
The land given for the purpose of small scale industry became a shopping center. A leader was gifted who went to Shankarsinh Vaghela’s party. Now come to BJP. Now he is in the camp of leader Amit Shah. This building was sealed 15 years ago. By now, the upper two floors of the shopping center were empty. The hospital has started in empty floors. Now shops have also started, some time ago the seal was for years. This matter is of government land of Dantiwada University. The collector had banned it. Collectorate was sealed.  The collector has to check whether the objective has changed, premium paid or not. The power connection is now found. The municipality has not been assessed. Fire safety can be like Ahmedabad’s hospital tragedy.

50 ICU
Deesa already has a 150-bed Kovid Hospital. Out of which only 15 patients are present. If so, why the government needed another 115-bed hospital. This thing is bothering the people of Deesa. Out of which 50 ICUs have been approved. The collector has to check if all have ventilators, or not. There are crowded beds. There is no hospital as per rules. Arrangements have also been made to stay doctors in the hospital.

Who is the leader of BJP who wants to become Munnabhai.

BJP politics
the second private trust after Bhansali Hospital has been approved by the government’s health department, where the government will pay a fee to the private trust on vacant hospital beds and beds admitted in Corona. If anyone wants to build a private trust or hospital, it is welcome. This revelation says a lot about BJP leaders. He has pointed another finger at a BJP leader. It seems like a request.

On opening of Kovid Hospital, the government gives an advance of 15 lakh rupees. If there is ICU facility in which the government provides a big help.

Amit Shah’s group started clearing
The Gujarat BJP has now come out against Amit Shah. People of Amit Shah’s group have been known to him since C R Patil was installed as state president. This Munnabhai Hospital also belongs to the BJP leader of the Amit Shah Group. While the hospital is being run by a Shankar Chaudhary group. Thus here two group, Shankar Chaudhary’s group and Amit Shah’s group are fighting in Deesa-Palanpur several issue, now for this hospital. The BJPs one group now has to make a presentation in this regard from Palanpur.