Lockdown for month-and-a-half in Melbourne, Australia due to rise in corona cases

Melbourne, the second most populous state in Australia, has imposed a six-week lockdown on increasing corona cases. Shops and markets have been closed in Melbourne, with people lining up to buy groceries before the lockdown. As a result, many shops ran out of stock. There are currently about 750,000 workers in Melbourne working from home. As many as 250,000 people could not work due to the closure of economic activity.

Remote education has been started following the lockdown. The states of New South Wales and Queensland have tried new measures to prevent new coronavirus infections. Night curfew and Sunday lockdown have been announced in Victoria. The number of coronavirus infections in Australia has reached 19,890, according to the Corona virus monitoring site WorldOmeter. 10,941 people have recovered and 255 have died.