Dilip Patel – 30 March 2022
Seed sorghum variety G. J. 44 – Navsari Agricultural University has developed the highest yielding variety of honey in the country. The grain yield per hectare is 2762 kg. Last year 1358 kg per hectare was applied. Against which is the double product. Which has the highest productivity in the whole of India.
Jowar is known as a super food.
It is a high yielding variety up to 22%.
The yield of dry fodder is 11836 kg per hectare.
Gabmara caterpillar infestation is reduced. Has partial resistance against diseases like fungus, gonorrhea, black spot, leaf blight.
Jowar variety GJ44 Madhu is recommended for growing during monsoon season throughout Gujarat. As told by the premier jowar research center of Navsari Agricultural University.
In Gujarat – Agriculture Department expects to produce 51 thousand tonnes of jowar in 2021-22 in 37 thousand hectares.
In 2020-21, Gujarat produced 57.42 thousand tonnes of maize in 41 thousand hectares. The tide will be less than 6.50 thousand tonnes.
the product
In Gujarat, jowar is sown in an average of 56980 hectares in 31670 hectares in Kharif and 25320 hectares in Rabi. In 2019-20, 77430 tonnes of Junar was produced. Presently the productivity is 1358 kg and good growth can be seen from the new variety. Livestock can also be increased well with this new variety.
Jowar cultivation has come down from 16 lakh hectares to 38 thousand hectares.
A new variety of super sorghum with pearly white grains has been discovered which can be used twice as much as sorghum. Which can be used as grain and animal feed. Scientists from Sardarkrishnanagar Dantiwada Agricultural University developed an improved dual purpose jowar variety DS-127 (GJ43) from the cross (AKR354X SPV1616).
Experiments were conducted at the Sorghum Research Center at the Agricultural University Deesa from 2009-10 to 2013-14. After initial testing in 2014, it was tested at various locations from 2015 to 2017.
Jowar DS-127 (GJ43) gives 46.85% higher yield than other variety GJ39. And CSV gives 20 to 22.66 percent higher yield. Thus it is now recommended for the farmers to grow a new super variety which gives excellent grain production.
It is better than other varieties for fodder. Its long broad leaves are good for grazing. Plant height is good. Both green and dry are good for animal feed.
In order to protect the feed and fodder of milch cattle in Gujarat, a new variety of jowar “Gujarat Jowar 43 (GJ43)” has been discovered which has the potential to solve the problem of livestock. This variety has been discovered by SK Jain and PR Patel at Deesa’s Jowar Research Center.
With the increase in irrigation facilities in South Gujarat in the last 10 years, the main crop Jowar cultivation has been affected. Karadi-Matwar, B.P. The yield is reduced by planting an older variety called, which can no longer grow.
Efforts are being made by the Trust to increase this.
Global warming and climate change are having an adverse effect on the tides in the coming days.
Jowar roti is being reduced from the evening meal in the villages. VJ gj There were 38 varieties.