New fish species discovered in Gujarat

A new species of mackerel, Scomber indicus (Indian chub mackerel) was first detected from Gujarat coast and later it was observed all along the west coast of India up to Kanyakumari.

The fish is caught mainly in ring seines and trawls and small quantities in hooks and lines operated around knolls. Since, July 2016, shoals of juveniles of this species are being noticed along Kerala coast, which indicates that a viable population of this species is getting established in the region.

Similarly, specimens of three new deep-sea fishes namely Chlorophthalmus acutifrons (Hiyama, 1940), Psenes arafurensis (Günther, 1889) and Psenes cyanophrys (Valenciennes, 1833) were obtained from Kollam, Southwest coast of India as by-catch of deep-sea fishing. From the rivers, Barilius torsie (Cyprinidae: Rasborinae) was recorded from river Torsa of Brahmaputra drainage system, and Rita bakalu, (Siluriformes: Bagridae) from the Godavari river basin.