Gujarat has now been privatized to treat animals. Which is being opposed by veterinarians. 460 veterinarians working on contract in Gujarat say that like 108 ambulances, the government has now given private contracts to treat animals. It is happening all over the state. Vijay Rupani, the Chief Minister of 1962-Karuna Animal Ambulance in the state from October-2017, had implemented the metaphor of compassion under the pretext of treating mute animals.
With an aim to provide health security cover at the spot to over 3.5-crore of livestock of Gujarat, on the highly successful GVK EMRI PPP-Model, launched ‘The 108 Mobile Veterinary Hospitals’ in Gujarat on 22 Juve 2020.
The rural cattle breeders can avail the home services of 108 mobile veterinary hospitals between 7 AM and 7 PM by dialing ‘On Call’ 1962 number during all the 365 days of the year. Gujarat, wants to be leader in ‘White Revolution’ and ‘Green Revolution’ with healthy and prosperous livestock.
Provide a unit of ‘108 Mobile Veterinary Hospital’ for a group of 10 villages. In total 460 ‘108 Mobile Veterinary Hospitals’ would be made operational soon to cover more than 4600 villages of Gujarat. As every unit of ‘108 Mobile Veterinary Hospital’ has been equipped with GPS system, their services’ would be monitored using the real-time monitoring system of CM Dashboard from Gandhinagar.
Almost every farmer is cattle breeder and every cattle breeder is farmer. ‘White Revolution’ and ‘Green Revolution’, which can be achieved by taking good care of livestock. Encourage the farmers to make complete organic farming using cows’ dung, in this budget the state government is going to give a subsidy of Rs. 900 on each cow per month.
મુખ્યમંત્રીશ્રી વિજયભાઈ રૂપાણીએ રાજ્યની સાડા ત્રણ કરોડ જેટલી પશુ સંપદાને આરોગ્ય રક્ષા કવચ પુરૂં પાડવાની પ્રતિબદ્ધતા તથા ગ્રામીણ પશુપાલકોને ઘરે બેઠા પશુ સારવાર મળી રહે તે માટેના અભિનવ પ્રયોગરૂપે દર ૧૦ ગામ દિઠ એક પ્રમાણે પ્રારંભિક તબક્કે ૧૦૮ મોબાઇલ પશુ દવાખાનાનું પ્રસ્થાન કરાવ્યું.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) June 22, 2020