Green Famine – Gujarat government estimated high production even though 50 percent loss in crops of groundnut, cotton, grains, pulses

Gandhinagar, 7 September 2020

The monsoon is over, with the Agriculture Department announcing the production projections to awaken the farmers. Many crops have green-drought-like conditions. Due to continuous rains for 10 to 30 days, finished crops have dried up in half the farms in Gujarat.

Assuming that it is going to be produced, the Department of Agriculture has released estimates. The traders will cut prices for the farmers due to high production estimates. Farmers do not get adequate prices. The farmers of Gujarat were killed by nature, now the BJP government of Gujarat is killing them.

50% of total planting of groundnut, cotton is done

Cotton and groundnut account for about 50% of the total cultivation in Gujarat. This time both crops have suffered heavy losses due to more rain. According to farmer leaders, groundnut and cotton yields will be reduced by up to 50 percent.

High estimates of peanut production

The Agriculture Department estimates that groundnut cultivation is in 20.72 lakh hectares. Out of which 54.65 lakh tonnes will be produced. In fact, peanut fields have lost about 50 percent so far. There is still loss. Because for two days the heat of the sun is falling in the fields. Water in the soil is heating due to heat. Summer is now about to start a terrible invasion of fungi. The fungus will then destroy the crop.

Thus peanuts will yield less than 50 percent. Farmers believe that production will not increase from 20 to 22 lakhs tons. They believes that even though the government has set a production target of 2637.34 kg per hectare, the situation on farms is different. These estimates are not from the farm but appear to have been prepared by sitting in the air-conditioned office in Gandhinagar.

Cotton production will not be predictable

In cotton too, the government has cut farmers in the hands of traders in return for higher production. Cotton is expected to be produced at 82.39 lakh bales (170 kg per bale), with planting expected on 22.81 lakh hectares. Around 613 kg of cotton will be produced per hectare. But these estimates will not be correct, as farmers have reduced cotton cultivation this time.

And secondly, cotton has dried up because the fields are still waterlogged in some areas. What is left will have a huge impact on development. Therefore, cotton will not be produced as expected by the government. The government has hit farmers with a shovel by preparing such false estimates to avoid criticism and agricultural aid. BJP’s Vijay Rupani government is not helping farmers.

Grains are not in good condition

Crops of grain are expected to produce 4 lakh tonnes in 4.35 lakh hectares but pulses have suffered the most. About 80 percent of the crop has been destroyed. Grain production is estimated at 13.83 lakh hectares with 29 lakh tonnes and 2100 kg a productivity. But the green famine has wiped out the grain.