Property card scheme for village houses fails in Gujarat

Gandhinagar, 22 April 2023
In Gujarat, from 2021 to 2024, village property survey is to be done and property cards are to be given. 1.25 crore proprietary property cards have been prepared. But work has come to a standstill in Gujarat. No official announcement has been made about how many cards have been given. In 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a pilot project in 1 lakh villages in 8 states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Rajasthan. Gujarat was not selected as a pilot project. By the end of 2023-24, it was announced to issue property cards of all 6.62 lakh villages in the country. But there is no place in Gujarat yet. In a few days, the Prime Minister is going to give such cards to other states, but there is no place for this scheme in Gujarat. Three years have passed.

The Swamitva Property Card scheme was launched on National Panchayat Day 24 April 2020. The Central Government has given an amount of Rs 6.6 crore to the Survey of India. Drones have been flown and the property measured. The property card of every house in the village will be made by accurate measurement with the drone.

In Gujarat, from 24 August 2021, a pilot project was announced to measure properties by flying drones in five villages of Gandhinagar district.

In 2011, there were 1 crore 22 lakh 48 thousand 428 houses in Gujarat. In which there are 67 lakh 73 thousand 553 houses in rural areas and 54 lakh 74 thousand 870 houses in cities. It is estimated that in 2023 there will be 1 crore 50 lakh properties. Issuance of cards for 75 lakh rural properties is likely to take years.

The ownership scheme in the year 2020-21 has not been announced by the Gujarat government in the outlet. That is, no work was done in 2020-21 regarding the property cards to the villages.

In which in the first year 2021-22, it was decided to measure with drones in one thousand villages. In which drones were operated in 104 villages of 5 talukas of 5 districts till 8 December 2021.

Under the Swamitva Yojana, in the year 2023-24, 48,000 new property cards will be prepared by completing drone flights in 3,500 villages of the remaining 75 taluks. This was announced in the assembly.

Benefits of PropertyCard
With the introduction of property cards, it will be easier to collect tax from panchayats. A clear valuation and ownership of the property will be determined. It will be easy to take loan from the bank. Property disputes will be less. You will get the latitude-longitude map of the property. The process of sale, inheritance etc. will be easy. The boundary of village roads, open spaces of Gram Panchayat, drains, lakes etc. will be fixed. In the case of transfer from lease-sale, it will be registered in the city survey on presentation of certified documents. The records of the village residential area will be made available by the Gram Panchayats. You will also get the ownership of the property. Apart from the Survey of India Department, Panchayat Department, Revenue Department work jointly in this scheme. One can get all the information about non-agriculture properties across the state. Accurate land records will help in resolving property related disputes and planning Gram Panchayat development plans for providing financial assistance and better facilities.

A land records inspector carries out a three step process including surveying the property. In which the Gram Sabha is held at the initial level. In the second phase, lime is marked according to the direction, boundary of houses, plots, land, open space, drains, ponds, government property, roads etc. personal property.
In the third phase, the government agency Survey of India measures through drones. The draft maps prepared by this agency are handed over by the land office to the officer of the district office. In this map, all the properties, open plots of the respective area have been numbered. It is ascertained whether any asset has been left out of measurement. If the property is left, the survey is done by the District Land Office. With the help of Surveyor, Senior Surveyor of District Office Office, Sarpanch, Talati, the work related to the ground truth of the draft map, door to door survey is done and necessary correction is done in it. The information during the door-to-door survey is uploaded on the mobile app.

If improvements are found in the draft map, it is sent to the Survey of India. which returns the correct value. The map will be uploaded in the GIS by the officer of the District Land Office. In the third phase, camps are organized in the concerned villages by giving prior information by the authorized officer. In which relevant evidence including 100 square meter Indira Awaas, Sardar Awaas or land allotted by other competent authority in rural area, plot orders, plans and related records are obtained from the property holders.

In cases where no additional evidence (such as Ghritri land, Rawla Haq, Raja’s Lekh, Wada land etc.) is produced other than the Valuation Register, the decision is taken on the basis of the Valuation Register as secondary evidence.

Application of objections
Any interested person can file an objection within 30 days after the notice or advertisement by informing the competent authority about his decision. The final declaration of record of rights is made after examining and hearing the objections. After entering the information of the objection application received from the applicant in the software, the authorized officer will check all the entries made in the record. If anyone raises any objection against the same, the proper officer will decide after a brief verification. after that

The Promulgation Officer publishes the Notice of Rule 105 of the Gujarat Land Revenue Rules, 1972 of Record of Rights and asks to raise objections within 30 days of making the record public. Post disposal of objections, declaration, implementation, record keeping of records in CSIS (City Survey Information System)

Survey stopped
The team reached Kavachli village of Mohana in Dharampur taluka of Valsad district to survey the property cards. However, the team was stopped by the local people and the bag containing the drone cameras was taken away. The local people felt that this team had come to survey the Narmada Link project across Tapi. However, after 2 hours of effort, the seized drone box was returned safely after showing the work order and government order to the local people.

Plan from 2016
On 7 April 2016, the Gujarat government decided to prepare property cards of records for non-agricultural properties. When computerization of agricultural land was done in the state, data entry of non-agriculture pages (property cards) was done in some districts and data entry of such non-agriculture pages was not done in some districts, hence no database was prepared. Not there. Agricultural land records have been computerized and made online since 2004. On the basis of that the sample number-7 of the village has been prepared.

The government announced that the revenue department has prescribed a special procedure for preparing property cards based on non-agriculture village sample number-7 and other records in areas outside the village or town survey limits. Accordingly, if the e-Dhara center is not computerized for non-agriculture conversions, a pre-registration record of the applicant will be generated, before the registration of sale and other documents, of which the applicant will have to submit the proof along with the seller’s application . Details of the property and valid proof of identity of yourself and the buyer of the property. SI (Self Index) case will be prepared on the basis of such evidence and sale documents. This operation will be automatic.

Section-135-D notice will automatically be prepared on top of that. It will be served. This notice will also go electronically to the concerned Maintenance Surveyor along with the records. Maintenance Surveyor S.I. After the investigation of the case, the competent authority will take a decision regarding the mutation note. Based on that Form-2 will be prepared and property card will be prepared for that property. The property number will be prepared in Form No-2 only. A copy of the same shall also be given to the seller after which the change of properties shall become effective.

Since December 19, 2014, 19 lakh 72 thousand property cards have been prepared with the help of software on the basis of non-agriculture records. While from January 20, 2020, 17 thousand 844 non-agricultural property cards have been approved online till 2022 in areas outside the village or city survey limits.

Survey of 1459 villages is to be done in the village plan. Survey of 18 lakh properties was completed till 31-10-2020. Out of which 1 lakh 68 thousand properties have been inaugurated. Under the village survey scheme, 2 lakh 23 thousand property cards were made in the year 2021-22. This scheme also has no place. In 2023-24 Gram Yojana, 50 thousand 44 thousand new property cards will be issued in the cities. It was announced in the 2023 Gujarat Assembly that 68 thousand cards have been made in villages and 2.03 lakh in urban areas.

Old documents
In case of documents where there is no revenue record, three modes have been prescribed for the property card. According to which after taking the application from the applicant and verifying it, the agricultural property card will be made. The card will be made after verifying the affected properties in village sample number-7 of agricultural survey number. Property card will be prepared by online entry of change note of new uncultivated survey numbers.

Agriculture land card
Gujarat is the first state to complete the earth moving work. There are 18046 villages in the state, out of which 18035 villages have been surveyed. In which a record of 80 lakh survey numbers of 11988 villages has been published. Till 2022, 5 lakh 88 thousand 234 objections have been received. In which 4 lakh 48 thousand 259 objections have been re-measured. Thus, it is clear from the complaints of crores of scams in the land survey and farmer’s movement that the government has failed even in the survey card.