Two agencies approved in Gujarat to certify organic farming, no work with government agency

Gandhinagar, 7 May 2021
In Gujarat, who do organic farming, 90% of the farmers do not have any certificate that they do organic farming. Expensive certificates are issued by APEDA but they are not certified in the fields. Therefore, farmers in Gujarat can show certified agricultural products to convince their customers about organic farming.
The Department of Agriculture of the Central Government works to certify organic farming through the National Organic Farming Center in Ghaziabad. Two agencies have been appointed in Gujarat for PGS certification. One of them is Anand’s creation and the All Gujarat Development Trust of Kutch has been elected. Farmers will be able to obtain certificates of organic farming from both these institutions by inspecting their fields. 51 such institutes have been selected in India. Earlier there were 654 regional agencies. It is now investigated by 54 agencies. The central government wants to transfer data. Therefore, such a step has been taken.
The Akhil Gujarat Development Trust has 2536 farmers and 12 thousand acres of land registered for organic farming. PGS will benefit farmers from domestic consumers and exports from abroad.
The Gujarat government provides Rs 2.45 lakh per hectare for organic farming. In which now this certificate will play an important role.
Small farmers do not have organic certificates to show to their customers. Such certificates are required to win the trust of customers. Currently, APEDA issues certificates for agricultural products and factory processed products at a high fee of Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh. Which small farmers cannot do.
An agency of the Government of Gujarat is located in the satellite area of ​​Ahmedabad. A government agency called Gopka issues certificates. Out of which only 195 farmers are registered. The agency became the Terminator. Organic farming was not allowed on the farm and he was given a certificate. The reason was shortage of staff. In fact, the Government of Gujarat should strengthen this institution and work through it. Apart from the private sector, there is a need to delegate this responsibility to the government.
Mandatory inspection report is required. It has to check and match from the GPS location itself. He benefits from group farming.
In Gujarat, all farmers in Surendranagar, Kutch, Dang district, Dharampur and Kaprada taluka of Valsad have been declared as 100 percent organic.
Organic Sage Pvt. Lee. The director of the company is Rahulbhai Kachde. Who have worked on organic farming by forming groups of farmers in groups of farmers.
Out of the total 52 agricultural produce registered by this company, 2.47 lakh quintals are produced on 121 total9.62 acres of land.
Srishti Sanstha
Another private company from Gujarat is Anand’s Srishti Organics. Which trained 15 thousand farmers of South Gujarat and linked them to organic farming. They have a good grip on aromatic crops. They will also work to issue certificates on organic farming to farmers. Both companies have been given work by the Central Government body.
The Gujarat government should strengthen its GOPCO agency and compete with private companies. The Government of Gujarat has formulated an organic farming policy. Created a biological university. But the government is doing nothing to decide whether farmers grow organic crops or not.