1050 organs donated in 4 years in Gujarat, 3409 got new life, 30 thousand people died due to non-donation

Ahmedabad, 15 April 2023
Sotto Convener Dr. Pranjal Modi said that in 4 years from the year 2019, 354 people – organ donors have successfully transplanted 1078 organs to the needy and saved lives. 3409 cadavers have been successfully transplanted. In 05 years till 2022, 2891 organs have been donated from Gujarat out of which 794 were living donors. Similarly, 2097 deceased persons had donated organs. At present, on an average only 2.6 organs are used from each deceased donor, efforts are being made to bring this number closer to 08.

About 200,000 people require kidney transplants in a year in the country, but currently hardly 3000-4000 transplants take place. Five lakh people die every year in India due to lack of timely organs. Ironically, most organs are available to those who are financially able. This is the reason that illegal trade of human organs is encouraged. In Gujarat, 30 to 40 thousand people die in a year due to non-availability of organs on time. If everyone donates organs before or after death, then 30 thousand lives can be saved every year.

These five states accounted for 85 percent of organ donations in 2021. Along with Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra and the southern states of Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are leaders in organ donation. The credit goes to the availability of medical hubs and more experienced doctors in the states. In the year 2022, after death in the year 2021, 12,387 organs were donated in the country. This was the highest number in the last 05 years. Most organs are donated with the consent of relatives of people who are either brain dead or have died of cardiac arrest.

On an average, 63 thousand people die in the country every day, but only 0.001 percent of them are able to donate their bodies. According to organ donation organization Argon India.com, around 50,000 people in the country need a heart transplant, while 2.5 lakh people need a kidney. This can be accomplished only when a person donates his or her organs. Every year 5 lakh people wait for organ transplant in the country but there is a huge gap between its demand and supply.

India is far behind the world in terms of organ donation. Here out of 10 lakh population only 0.16 people donate organs. Whereas in Spain, 36 people donate organs per million population, 35 in Croatia and 27 in America. In 2018, 132 people donated organs in Maharashtra, 137 in Tamil Nadu, 167 in Telangana and 45 in Andhra Pradesh and only 35 in Chandigarh. Tamil Nadu has done better in this area in recent times. About 80 thousand corneas are donated here every year.

SOTTO (State Organ Tissue Transplant Organisation) of the state government will be awarded in the category “Innovation State”. Presently 102 private and government hospitals are registered in the state for organ recovery ie organ donation process. In 2017, there are 301 hospitals in the country that have organ transplant related equipment, out of which 250 hospitals are registered with the National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO).

Under the Jan Arogya-Ayushman Yojana, very expensive and costly transplant surgeries were covered and made completely free. Even in private hospitals, efforts were made to reduce the transplant cost for the patient or bring it within the limit that the patient can afford by covering it under the Prime Minister’s and Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.

After donating the human body, all its organs can be transplanted into the body of the needy. Very useful for medical college students and researchers to understand and research human body. Donations can be arranged by contacting local medical colleges and hospitals. Many NGOs are also working to help in this area. There is still a lack of awareness about this in India. Religiously people do not believe in body donation. Eye donation can be done till about 06 hours after the death of the body. Kidneys, lungs, eyes, liver, cornea, small intestine, skin tissue, bone tissue, heart valves and veins can be donated and are in constant demand.
(Google translation)