43 villages of Bhavnagar evacuated to avoid ‘coast’ storm, army will arrive

Gandhinagar, 16 May 2021
Hurricane “Toute” is rapidly moving towards Gujarat. The Meteorological Department has predicted severe heat in Diu, Bhavnagar, Junagadh. Agarians are also being shifted here. The central government has allocated 44 NDRF teams to Gujarat. 26 teams have arrived. Will come by next evening.

The army, navy and air force will be called upon to help counter the “escalating”. 43 villages of Bhavnagar are likely to be affected. Hence these villages are being shifted. Control rooms are being commissioned in the district and the city.

The Gujarat government has also set up 85 ICUs to deal with the storm. He said that on-wheelers have been kept ready in Jamnagar, Bhavnagar, Junagadh and other districts. Police, fire brigade and corporation have been ordered to remain on high alert.

DG sets have been prepared to ensure uninterrupted power supply in 1300 Kovid hospitals. Arrangements have also been made for oxygen companies not to stop producing oxygen.

In the wake of a potential “tout” storm, people on the coast are also quickly taken to higher ground, sailing from the coast to a safe location, not getting out of the house, and being arranged by the system.