BJP MP Pravesh Verma’s bad words again – compare Rahul with Korona, asked Gandhi family to send quarantine

West Delhi BJP MP Pravesh Verma has once again made a controversial statement. This time he has made rude remarks on Rahul Gandhi. He compared Rahul Gandhi to the Corona virus. BJP leaders are doing this again and again. Yet the BJP leadership never slaps him. People are not happy with such a comment from the last step.

Congress leaders called Varma’s behavior a disgrace to the nation. The BJP leader had asked to send Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi to the quarantine center.

Responding to questions raised by Congress leaders about the success of the lockdown, Pravesh Verma compared the interim Congress president Sonia Gandhi, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi and Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi to the virus, saying “these people should be sent to the quarantine center because these are the people who influenced the lockdown.” Do not see.

It is the responsibility of the opposition to find fault with the government. The BJP leader then said, “Rahul Gandhi does not look good. Leaders and doctors at home and abroad are saying that the lockdown is effective. Rahul and his Congress party are questioning this. If Rahul Gandhi feels that he has no one to help him. If there is a better idea, he should suggest it to the government. The government will consider it. ”

Rahul Gandhi first suggested to the Union government that Korona would become widespread in the country, but then the BJP government at the Center welcomed US President Donald Trump to Ahmedabad. After Mumbai, Ahmedabad had the second highest number of corona cases. Yet the central government did not heed his suggestion.

Pravesh Verma had made several controversial statements during the Delhi elections after which the Election Commission issued a notice to him. Yet party leaders have not taken any action against him to date.