Gandhinagar, 8 March 2021
Congress Legislator of Ahmedabad’s Dariyapur, Gaiyasuddin Sheikh said in the assembly that due to the Rajghat of the BJP officials, the lifeline of the poor is the same. Had the hospital not been closed, patients with heart, cancer, kidney, and other diseases could have received timely and adequate treatment during their peak crisis. Thousands of lives could be saved. Patients other than corona have not received timely and adequate treatment, leading to higher mortality from other diseases than corona.
Ghiyasuddin Sheikh, Congress MLA from Dariyapur, Ahmedabad, said in the assembly that by December 31, 2020, 67,000 people had lost their lives in Ahmedabad in a year. In which 65 thousand patients died except Corona. A total of 53,000 patients were reported from Corona, of which 2,200 died.
Ghyasuddin Shaikh, Congress MLA from Dariyapur in Ahmedabad, said in the assembly that the government had taken note of the corona and cured other diseases, resulting in more deaths than corona. Thus, since the Rupani government paid no attention to the health of Ahmedabad, they are directly responsible for the deaths.
Gujarat has slipped to 15th in the country in terms of spending on health services. Which is considered to be Rupani’s biggest failure
According to the source, the government spends 5.52 per cent in Gujarat and the Kejriwal government in Delhi at 12 per cent of the total budget. The Kejriwal government is doing a better job for the health of the people of Delhi than Rupani.