Saturday, July 27, 2024

Corruption flaws in Dwarka Bridge, within 5 months after Modi’s ...

Know how big corruption happened in Sudarshan Bridge The bridges that collapsed in Bihar were built by SP Singla Fingers are being raised on Prime Minister Modi Dilip Patel Ahmedabad, 26 July 2024 Dwarka's Signature Bridge, built with public money worth Rs. 1 thousand crore, has developed cracks within 5 months. Which has been named ...

Grandpa’s (DADA) bulldozer against the sea

Ahmedabad, 29 March 2023 When Vishva Hindu Parishad ex. secretory and historian Vid K Shastri turned 100, he presented plans to the Narendra Modi government to publicly develop Dwarka at Tagore Hall in Ahmedabad in 2002. Nothing happened in 20 years. Now justice is being done with Dada's bulldozer. After the construction of the Signature Bridge, t...

VPP wrested power from BJP in Kalyanpur municipality of Dwarka distric...

March 16, 2021 In the BJP's stronghold of Saurashtra, the VPP has assumed municipal power. As soon as the system change system took power, it was handed over to the BJP. The System Change Party has heard the name of Rawal municipality in Kalyanpur taluka of Dwarka district. The general meeting was held at 11 am today under the chairmanship of th...

Modi is searching for Dwarka and Rupani is talking about Dwarka to the... Dwarka, 1 January 2020 Projects worth Rs 72 crores have been launched in Devbhumi Dwarka district for health, education, water and tourism. The BJP government has announced that the golden age of Dwarka will come again. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said this in Dwarka on 31 Decembe...

Krishna’s Dwarka injustice to farmers , government is forcibly c...

Dwarka, 6 July 2020 Deoria-Kuranga-Dwarka National Highway Project has been built. Many deficiencies in the operation of the project have been faced by government departments, but despite complaints in writing, it has not been rectified. There is a hurry to acquire farmers' land at a nominal cost. The farmers are not at all opposed to the road pro...

renovation of two Gurudwaras at cost of Rs. 10-Cr in Kutch

Gujarat Chief Minister Mr. Vijaybhai Rupani today laid foundation stones for the renovation and refurbishing works of ‘First Paatshahi Gurudwara’ and another Gurudwara at Bet Dwarka, at a total cost of Rs. 10-Crore, located at Lakhpat in Kutch. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rupani said that the life of Guru Nanakji was not just an inspiration for ...