SVP Hospital in Ahmedabad
BJP's first hospital in 27 years of rule launched today
2019, Ahmedabad
The state-of-the-art SVP Hospital built in 1.10 lakh square meters is the first government hospital with a height of 78 meters and 1500 beds in a single building. It can also withstand an earthquake of 7.5 magnitude and a storm of 170 km per hour. The hospital is constructe...
Polluted air is the cause of death of 2 lakh people in Gujarat
Air wave is a wave of death, Cause of death: Toxic substances dissolved in air, Number of deaths due to GIDC is not visible in 50 cities of Gujarat, We are killing our children, What the Gujarat government did in the case of foeticide, it is not ready to do it now for air murder, If the BJP government had taken steps for 30 years, then 1 lakh 20 th...
Air ambulance not started to save 2 thousand people from death in acci...
Dilip Patel
Ahmedabad, 24 May 2024 (Google translation from Gujarati)
Air ambulance is a waste of Gujarat government. 108 was airlifted 42 times for 26 organs, 15 patients by air ambulance. In which an average income of Rs 2 lakh is received per flight. On 22 May 2024, the government made some announcements regarding air ambulance. In which there...
Lakhs of people are dying of heart disease and TB in Gujarat due to co...
Heart and TB increased by 25 percent due to corona vaccine! गुजरात में कोरोना वैक्सीन के कारण लाखों लोग हृदय रोग और टीबी से मर रहे हैं
Dilip Patel
Ahmedabad, May 5, 2024
Last year, more than 25 lakh cases of TB were reported in India, the highest in six decades.
According to government data, about 25,50,000 cases of tuberculosis (TB) were r...
Animal emergency ambulance project incomplete even after 6 years, trea...
Gandhinagar, 23 June 2023
Ambulances started in 2017 to provide immediate treatment to sick or injured animals could not reach all the villages of Gujarat even in 6 years. 40 percent of the calls are not treated. Most of the calls are for treating dogs. But the demand for milch animals is less.
460 ambulance mobile veterinary dispensaries hav...
Toxic elements are increasing in potatoes in Gujarat, 420 crore kg pro...
Dilip Patel
Ahmedabad, 22 June 2022
In 2010-11, potato was planted in 53 thousand hectares in Gujarat and the production was 11.50 lakh tonnes. In Gujarat, 22 thousand kilos of potatoes were produced per hectare. Planting was expected in 1 lakh 31 thousand hectares in 2022-23, due to which the production is expected to be 41 lakh 65 thousand ...
World Eye Donation Day – Blindness due to diabetes on the rise i...
Gandhinagar, 9 June 2023
June 10, 2023 is World Eye Donation Day. 68 lakh people in India have severe visual impairment due to corneal diseases. According to the data of the National Program for Control of Blindness, 45,294 eyes were donated in 2021-22 as against 60 thousand. 24,783 keratoplasty procedures were performed. Which is two and a half t...
With green leaves and powder of wheat plants, a new life
Gandhinagar, 21 May 2023
Dharamshi Patel, a farmer from Jeevanpura village near Gujarat's financial capital Ahmedabad, is earning Rs 1 lakh a month. Earlier he used to do business of buffalo milk. Leaving this, he prepared wheat crop and started the business of selling leaves.
In view of the increasing consumption of juice, it was decided to ...
Odisha overtakes Gujarat in Cyclotron, neither Modi helped nor Mandavi...
Gandhinagar, 9 May 2023
The state government had taken an in-principle decision to provide Rs 70 crore to start the cyclotron project at the Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute. The work will be completed in two years. The radioactive material will be produced under the Cyclotron project. It can be used to diagnose and treat cancer. The establis...
6 thousand patients of thalassemia in Gujarat, age increased, TB most ...
Thalassemia, 6 thousand patients of TB are the deadliest
May 9, 2023, Ahmedabad
There are 6000 thalassemia patients in Gujarat including 700 in Surat. World Thalassemia Day is observed every year on 8 May. Many children are born with congenital thalassemia due to lack of awareness about hereditary blood disorders like thalassemia. In comparison, ...
Jitubhai of 80 kg suddenly became 195 kg
27 April 2023, Ahmedabad
Jitubhai Gohel from Rajkot, who weighs 195 kg, has been facing chronic pain for a long time to perform daily activities like a normal person. The surgery department of the Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, freed Jitubhai from aches and pains. For some unexplained reason (genetic), his weight went from 80 kg to 195 kg. His weigh...
Rose blossomed in Ghudkhar desert, 32 years of hard work by planting l...
Gandhinagar, 26 April, 2023
Two thousand birds and millions of creatures
Everyday two thousand birds come to the ashram. About 2,000 birds and reptiles like 400 peacocks, parrots, Hola, Chibari, Sughri, Darjido, Squirrel, Kachinda, Gho, snakes come to Nisarga Niketan every day. So far an investment of about one crore rupees has...
Ghar Nal scheme not completed in Gujarat in 2022
Dilip Patel
Gandhinagar, 21 April 2023
On March 7, 2021, the then Chief Minister of the BJP government, Vijay Rupani, had promised the people of Gujarat that not a single house would be abandoned by the end of 2022 under the 'Nal Se Jal Tak' scheme. Every house in the township will have a tap. Will free people from water borne diseases. In th...
Despite the arrogance of BJP, Gujarat did not become tuberculosis free...
Gandhinagar, 20 April 2023
The World Health Organization has set a target of a TB-free world by the year 2030. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced to eliminate TB in India by 2025. Former chief minister Vijay Rupani had announced that the Gujarat government would make the state 'TB-free' by 2022. It earned the distinction of being a pioneer s...
1050 organs donated in 4 years in Gujarat, 3409 got new life, 30 thous...
Ahmedabad, 15 April 2023
Sotto Convener Dr. Pranjal Modi said that in 4 years from the year 2019, 354 people - organ donors have successfully transplanted 1078 organs to the needy and saved lives. 3409 cadavers have been successfully transplanted. In 05 years till 2022, 2891 organs have been donated from Gujarat out of which 794 were living donors...