Vadodara, 13 May 2020
91,600 students of Std. 3 to 8 of 1064 primary schools of Vadodara district, Gujarat, delivered question papers so that they could practice answering the examination questions at home. The question papers were distributed to students from taluka, group and school level from 3 to 7 May.
The question papers of the subjects eligible for the examination have been delivered for the purpose of refreshing the learning. He also urged the parents to take care that their children try to write these question papers at home as seriously as the classroom examination.
Earlier students came to the school to take the exam but now we have delivered the exam to their home. Corona’s frontline fighters also include teachers. Helped distribute grain from fair price shops.
There is no need to take exams in the first and second standards. While in 3rd to 8th standard subjects are examined. Students of this standard were taught subjects while school was on. Reaching the taluka level from the district on 1st May.
An attempt was made to complete the course by imparting online education under the study from Study Home when schools were closed in lockdown. Now, this effort has been made to rehearse the exam.