Gandhinagar, 6 January 2020
Arvindbhai Vallabhbhai Marvaniya, a farmer from Khamdrol village in Junagadh, Gujarat traditionally cultivates carrots in a sweet and high beta carotene manner. Which has become one of the best varieties in the country. Now its seeds have reached 10 states. It is believed to be the first case in the country, where a cultivar developed by a farmer is cultivated in 10 states. He has sent 10–11 thousand kg of carrots seeds across the country in 2020.
20 percent more production
Madhuvan carrot seeds are pure desi varieties. Other carrots are mostly hybrids. Farmers from other states have taken batter production than Gujarat. Carrots do not carry diseases or pests. Yields are 20 to 25 percent higher. Get high price than other carrot.
Less water
To sow carrots in Bidha, 1.5 kg of seed is required. In drip irrigation, the farmer needs 1 kg of seed. Other carrots require 10 irrigations but this carrot requires 6 irrigations. It also reduces the cost of water.
Farming since 1943
Vallabhbhai has been cultivating carrots since 1943, at the age of 98, he died two months ago. Has been growing these seeds for 35 years. Certified by Junagadh University. Junagadh University has received good support.
Discovered female fruit
A few years ago 20 to 25 were built for farmers. To make seeds, carrots have to be selected. Seeds are formed by identifying the female fruit. His great-grandfather worked to select plants and find female fruits. In which women or men are found. The female is selected, which gives seed. Plants do not grow from male seeds.
There to 1200 man in an acre. Good yields are obtained only when land, water, farmers and seeds are mixed. Carrots are cultivated by drip irrigation. So the product gets better and the labor takes less. With the Pala method, four cowards make a pala by placing a Kiara location. So that there is a 25 percent increase in production.
Carrot history
Arvindbhai’s great-grandfather was given a carrot seed by someone. In which 2 or 4 carrots were seen from a carrot. Those were called double or triple. It was difficult to get him off the field. So Dada began to explore the reasons behind the identification of female carrots. From which it got pure indigenous seeds. These seeds were probably brought from Motimard village. Not sure where it came from.
Arvindbhai’s father owned 14 bighas of land. The income increased after the discovery of carrots and he then purchased 125 Veigha land.
Nawab of Junagadh
Vallabhbhai Marvaniya used to give carrots in the field of food for the poor run by Mahabat Khanji, the third Nawab of Junagadh. 42 on the Nawab even today. Has a debt of
10 thousand kg seeds
Now Arvindbhai himself prepares 10-11 thousand kg carrot seeds and sends them. He also packs 500 grams and ships with a Gujarat government license. It is cheaper than hybrid or non-hybrid seeds of companies. Previously, when it was sold loosely, traders would take it and mix it with other carrot seeds and give it to farmers at a higher price. So he sells seeds from his Madhuvan-Vallabh Dada carrot brand.
The deeper the soil is dug, the longer the carrot is. The quality is good. Market prices have an advantage of 40 to 50 per cent.
There are good varieties of carrots in India as there are beta carotene, iron and sugar. The National Innovation Foundation has tested good varieties of carrots across the country in a laboratory and has proved the carrot to be the best.
Srishti Innovation in 2015 and National Innovation Award by the President in 2017. Padma Shri has also been received.(translated from Gujarati)