Which may cause a decline in production of Groundnuts
Gandhinagar, 12 July 2020
Gujarat, Saurashtra’s economic lifeline is cutting groundnut and lifeline of 10 lakh farmers. Peanut is turning yellow this monsoon. Farmers who have already transplanted peanuts before monsoon are getting more yellowing of groundnut. This is due to the heavy rainfall and the presence of clouds. In 2018, peanuts became widely yellow in the Junagadh district. So the farmers had to remove it. This process is also called Ratad or ocher disease. The disease is caused by heavy rain or clouds. Groundnut stops getting nutrients due to flooding of fields and lack of sunlight.
20 lakh hectares of groundnut planted
By July 9, 2020, 20 lakh hectares of groundnut has been planted by 10 lakh farmers. Which is 8 lakh hectare more than last year. The maximum area of groundnut is 2.90 lakh hectare in Rajkot and 2.60 lakh hectare in 2 lakhs hector Junagadh. Also, peanuts have started turning yellow in areas such as Porbandar. Talking to the farmers, it is clear that such a problem exists in 25 percent of the 20 lakh hectares. Therefore, a situation has arisen where the expected product is not available. Peanuts turn yellow for 20 days, resulting in zero production. Such a situation exists in a large area in Saurashtra.
The farmer suffers a great loss while he is sleeping. Peanuts turn yellow and new leaves turn white. In peanut crops, the upper bark turns yellow and dries up. This yellowing gradually increases towards the lower leaves. Which usually indicates an iron deficiency in peanuts.
Lack of photosynthesis
Plants do not produce sulfate when the clouds stop receiving sunlight. So peanuts are beginning to turn yellow. If soil does not contain ferrous sulphate, yellowing also occurs, which is given to the soil sooner or later. Nutrient runoff slows down. Ferrous sulfate is deficient. If the entire peanut has turned yellow but its main vein and other veins are green, then this yellowing is due to iron deficiency. Eating peanuts is made in its leaves. That stops.
Former Chancellor of Junagadh Agricultural University, Dr. BK Kakani says that when peanuts turn yellow, they dry up. The process of photosynthesis through the leaves ceases to function as a kitchen. As a result, the plants stop getting food. Understand that the plant’s leaves are its kitchen. Iron deficiency also occurs when plants do not get food. The leaves start looking yellow instead of green. Iron deficiency can be eliminated.
Cheap solution
A good and cheap remedy for peanut yellowing can be done by the farmers themselves. A pump costs only Rs. Diamond particles 100 grams 10 grams lemon flower which contains citric acid. Sprinkle both in the pump one by one. Diamond soaked 24 hours ago. Peanut leaves may turn black if the diamond is further damaged. Or it may have black dots on it. A liter of expensive ingredients is available in the market for Rs.400 to Rs.1000. Farmers themselves can resort to very cheap measures against this. Yellowing is controlled with 2 to 3 sprays at intervals of 10–12 days. Maintain 500 liters of water per hectare. Another solution is to spray 30 grams of sulfur powder in 15 liters of water.
Not advised to give urea
Rotate as much as you can, remove it from where the water is full. This is a recommendation of the Joint Director of Agriculture. Yellow peanuts should not be given urea fertilizer for fitness. Its roots receive nitrogen from the air and pass it on to the crop. Giving urea will increase groundnut. The needle seating process will be slow. This will reduce peanut production. Peanuts often turn yellow when the soil hardens. Apply urea when it is turning yellow due to a lack of air circulation. In case of excessive irrigation in the laxative type soil, when the leaves of the peanut plant turn yellow from the veins, reduce irrigation and give 15 kg of ammonium sulfate. At such a time, spray the urea solution two to three times at an interval of 8 to 10 days.