Now the Rupani govt has started the work that should have happened 4 months ago

Gandhinagar, 13 May 2021

The insensitive Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has started the work which should have been completed before January. Many people have died due to lack of oxygen in the state. If each taluka needs to build 375 oxygen-generating plants in 250 cities and 125 simultaneously.

Rupani Sarkar was sleeping at that time. Now suddenly it has decided to set up oxygen plants at 348 health centers. If this work was completed 4 months ago in January 2021, thousands of lives could have been saved.

Minister of State for Health Kishore Kanani has said. The state government has decided to set up oxygen plants at many places. Survey work has been started to set up an oxygen plant at 348 CHC (Community Health Center).

The state government is committed to provide the best treatment to the citizens and it is the priority of the government to leave no stone unturned in the matter of health. The citizens of the state will be provided immediate treatment to win against Corona and in the difficult times of Corona.

Core group committee meetings are held in which health oriented decisions are taken.
The minister said that in March the state needed 150 metric tonnes of oxygen, which was the first wave of corona needed for patients.

The second wave has reached 1150 MT.

Experts believe that the third wave of Corona will still arrive. The state government has started preparations to deal with the situation.

108 ambulances have to be added to transport the patients to the hospital. Immediate purchase of 175 new ambulances.

More than 7 lakh Remedivir injections have been given in 1 month.