Gandhinagar, 10 January 2021
Under the Rs 34,422 crore Kusum scheme, farmers get solar panels at 60 per cent grant. Could sell the rest. 20 lakh farmers in the country and 55 lakh farmers in Gujarat, 1 lakh farmers will be able to install solar pumps. 1.5 million farmers in the country will be provided with funds to install grid connected solar pumps. The government has announced spending on the scheme.
Solar panel can generate electricity from Rs 60,000 to Rs 1 lakh per year for 25 years. The farmer can rent the solar plant himself or to the developer. The land should be within 5 km radius of the power sub station.
90 percent
Under the scheme, farmers would have to pay only 10% to put solar panels on their land. The loan is 30 percent of the bank’s interest. Registration is done on the official website