Revenue work done online, but Modi, make accounts online to end corruption

Digital revolution in revenue department, why not in personal information of industries

Digital India is calling for a digital revolution in Gujarat through paperless governance. It’s called digital improvement. More user friendly, fast and informative – web application ‘Garvi 2.0’ for document registration has been launched (Live) in Sub-Registrar Offices of 117 Taluks of Gujarat.

Gujarat government has optical fiber connectivity in 99.97 percent of gram panchayats through BharatNet project. Over 35,000 km of underground cables have been laid. 312 services of 11 divisions have been made accessible by more than 14000 gram panchayats. It has disposed of petitions of more than 70 lakh citizens.

In Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated Digital India on July 4, 2022, but farmers can upload their crops from their mobiles. What is the loss to the farmer? There is no mechanism for farmers to disclose details of production and loss of water and crops.

online corruption
If corruption is to be exposed online then the government, government companies and local government need to be held accountable. Gujarat has not made any arrangement so that people can see the daily payment online. If he does this then the scams of BJP leaders and officials will be exposed. Hence, people are demanding that the correct online procedures disclose the revenue and expenditure accounts of each office. Announce all payments and accounts from Gram Panchayat to Gandhinagar.

Farming is not done online

Gujarat government has started almost all the work online by connecting the revenue department with the internet. But most importantly to strengthen the economic affairs of farmers, not a single mobile application has been created where farmers can upload details on ear registration, crop loss, crop planting, weather forecast, planting forecast. In this case, the farmers suffer huge losses.

Revenue online but not industry online

The government has also disclosed revenue and agricultural land, personal details of manual scavengers. But the industry has not disclosed such details. Why does the Industries Department not perform the same functions as the Revenue Department? There is also a demand to disclose all online details of factories and make their operations online.

The application can be made under land grabbing.

Till now 10 thousand applications have been received. Out of 7263 cases, only 567 FIRs have been registered after completion of the first investigation. Action has been initiated against two thousand accused.

Functions of Revenue Department for providing internal services –

A total of 1.46 crore copies of QR codes have been made available with e-seal and e-sign.

Note 6 of Village Sample No. 6 required for transfer of rights in eDhara will be generated online and 2-A will be generated as per decision of Note 3/12. So far 2.08 crore online mutations have been registered.

Drones have been tested in 1278 villages under the Swamitva scheme. 

14.33 lakh revenue cases have been digitized in IRCMS.

Revenue approval is done online through IRIS Integrated Revenue Inspection System. All revenue recording and processing is done online. There’s also an “Iris” module to check online. , This module covers revenue permissions like non-agriculture, premium approvals, actual purchase permission and title deeds like sale, inheritance, rights, filing and ordering notes and revenue matters decided by revenue officers.

મોદીની યોજના નિષ્ફળ છે.

Online Revenue Services on i-ORA Platform

The account holder himself can file the inheritance note online.

Registration Fee of Documents, Calculation of Stamp Duty Online

online placement of documents

Online videography of document registration

Thumb impressions, photography, document scanning are done.

Printing, Search, Index-2, documents can be viewed online.

Digitization of revenue claims in IRCMS Integrated Revenue Case Management System.

The handwritten notes of Village Sample No.6 are on the website.

The handwritten pania of village sample number-7/12 is on the website.

6 and 7/12 are not required for revenue service.

Property registration is documented by ‘Garvi’ at the level of the sub-registrar.

Digitally signed attested copy for property registration.

The document is returned within 1 day of registration.

Auto mutation form or city survey is done after registration of property documents.

Under the Bombay Marriage Act, marriage certificates up to 2007 can be obtained sitting at home.

Marriage registration is done online.

Case registration and other online operations

A certified copy of the document is available online.

Attested copy of pre-2019 real estate document PDF with e-seal and QR code has been made online.

The records (index-2 vol) in the offices of the Sub-Registrar are available on GARVI web.

Appointment of ACC for online e-stamping approved. Stop selling physical nonjudicial paper

E-Stamping Certificates are issued at 4566 centres.

E-payment for stamp duty is done in mandatory registerable documents.

Stamp Duty on Unregistered Documents for Lending in Banks National e-Governance Service Limited. Digital e-Stamping Duty has been introduced on Nestl’s platform.

Loading funds online into a franking machine and issuing licenses online.

Opinion on stamp duty can be obtained before using the document.

The payment of duty is documented against the payment of stamp duty less paid.

The order to pay the duty of the Deputy Collector can be appealed to the Chief Controller of Revenue.

If less fee has been charged by the Deputy Collector, then it is reviewed by the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority.

High Court claims were mapped from department level by ILMS

The application process at IORA against land grabbing was done online.

The application can be made under land grabbing.

The information of private land acquisition was approved online.

Revenue records can be viewed online at Airor.

Copies are provided through e-dhara as well as from Gram Suvidha Kendra.

The note of eDhara 6 will be generated online and 7/12, 2-A will be generated as per the decision of the note.

Bank Burden and Burden Relief, Note with Auto Mutation along with Sale Document, shall be noted by Auto Mutation by order by any Competent Authority.

Digitization of revenue matters has been done in IRCMS.

By SMS to the parties at each stage of the case is hereby informed.

Ownership plan.

Along with land survey, mapping is also done by Survey of India.

IORA 2.0 – Integrated online revenue application online, easy tracking and monitoring, reduction in delays, as per provisions of the law like non-cultivating approval period of 90 days but splitting of applications into green, yellow as well as red channels will enable faster processing of applications can be dealt with.

Section-65 of the Non-Agriculture Land Revenue Act Non-Agriculture

Premium :- Actual Clause, New Condition, In case of sale of Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Land, Pure Intelligence, the old condition is reversed.

Work is being done to buy agricultural land.

The land is for non-cultivating purpose with premium for non-cultivation in new and indivisible condition.

actual industrial purpose.

Farmer Certificate :- Application is made for Kisan Certificate.

Claim Form :- In the claim form legacy note is filed, defect rectification is applied.

Land allotment online under Administrative Order-3.

A copy of Index-2 of the Office of the Supry.

Settlement Office:- Digital Sealed Property Card is available by paying the fee online.

The heritage is filed online in the City Survey Rights Form.

Online application for land survey is done.

Mother Property Card is generated automatically after non-cultivation order.