Rupani Govt. did not do was that the villages of Gujarat do in two days

Gandhinagar, 4 of 2021

In just two days, 10,320 thousand Community Kovid Care Centers have been implemented by people working in 14246 gram panchayats of all 248 taluks in the state of Gujarat. In which 1.05 lakh beds have been arranged. In this way, the corona has spread all over Gujarat. The work that the government had to do has been shown by the people of the village. The BJP’s Rupani government is doing nothing.

Isolation centers, Kovid care centers have been set up in villages such as school premises, caste farms, government schools, community halls, socialists, hostels or government buildings, large vacant houses, meetings, panchayat ghars. Villagers are being isolated from symptoms such as cold, cough, general fever.

Basal health facilities such as standard medicines, vitamin-C, azithromycin, paracetamol, ayurvedic infusion as well as pulse oximeter, thermometers are provided for housing people living in isolation centers — Kovid care centers. The government has not arranged it.

Community Development Care Centers are being started with the participation of a District Development Officer, Taluka Development Officer and a 10-member committee of village leaders.

In remote tribal areas such as riots, 1242 beds have been set up in 83 centers and 897 community covid care centers with 6400 beds have been set up in the border area of ​​Banaskantha in North Gujarat.