Gandhinagar, 10 July 2020
The Rupani government allowed power companies to levy higher tariff charges in 2018 in view of rising coal prices. It has been canceled on 9 July 2020. The decision has been taken keeping in mind the falling coal prices. So now finger is being raised on Rupani. Why is permission given, and why is coal short supply by Modi government not being asked.
Power users had to pay 23 paise more per unit of torrent power. Torrent Power which supplies power to Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Surat. Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission FPPPP has raised Rs. 1.23 per unit fixed. Fuel surcharge increased by power companies of Gujarat. DGVCL, UGVCL, MGVCL and PGVCL increased by 10 paise. Revised fuel and power purchase price adjustment for the October-December 2018 quarter. Electricity rate Rs. 1.86 per unit to Rs. 2.09 per unit.
As a result of an average increase of 18 paise per unit in the purchase price of electricity, the electricity consumers of Gujarat had an average burden of Rs 184 crore.
What did the government say
To address the issues of imported coal-based power projects located in the State by the State Government, keeping in view the wide public interest, Hon. That. A high power committee was formed under the chairmanship of Aggarwal (retired Supreme Court Justice). The recommendations of the High Power Committee and the decisions taken thereon were approved after being presented to the Cabinet. Adopted HPC recommendations on 1 December 2018. Sunaina Tomar, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Energy and Petrochemicals Department, said.
Rupani silent in front of Adani
Gujarat Energy Development Corporation Limited had to stop supplying 3,000 MW of power to Adani Power and Essar Power on contract. The three companies have entered into a power supply agreement with the government for 25 years.
The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has not been able to take any action against those who were not supplied electricity at a contract rate by the BJP-led government.
The power companies of the Gujarat government were forced to buy power from the Indian Energy Exchange at a higher price per unit. Therefore, Rs. 4.33 to Rs. 4.51 is done.
GUVNL purchased 2,000 million units of electricity from the Indian Energy Exchange as it did not get power supply from Essar and Adani Power. For this he paid Rs. 4.25 to Rs. 5.50 per unit paid.
So far, the unit price of FPPPA was Rs. 1.61 to Rs. 1.71.
In coal, Rupani thinks of Gujarat, not the party.
Why Rupani and Dalal are silent against Modi himself
Saurabh Patel-Dalal, former BJP minister in the Modi government, alleged that the previous UPA government at the Center was not providing enough coal to run coal-fired power plants in Gujarat. Now that the BJP is in power at the Center and in Gujarat, there is not enough coal for power plants in Gujarat. Dalala himself admits that there is not enough coal in the Modi government. Yet they do not speak against the central government.
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited, as well as Coal Company, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Railways and Central Electricity Authority, do not do justice to Gujarat for allocation of the required amount of coal by the State Government.
Coal power plants operated by Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited, a power generation company owned by the Gujarat government, require 163.10 lakh metric tonnes of coal every year. Gujarat has received 101.16 lakh MT of coal from the Center in 2017-18 and 111.28 lakh MT of coal in 2018-19. Though the power plants in the state require 163.10 MT, there is not enough coal from the Narendra Modi government at the center