Was attack Gordhan Zadaphia a conspiracy? What reasoning and politics say?

When communal riots occurred in Gujarat in 2002, Gordhan Zadaphia was the Minister of State for Home Affairs. The biggest massacre in Ahmedabad took place in Naroda Patiya. Gordhan Zadaphia was then an MLA in Rakhial constituency near Naroda. People have now forgotten this incident and again reminded the perpetrators of the incident. Why things are forgotten again after 18 years is remarkable in many ways. This one is associated with politics and communal riots.

Immediately after saluting the flag on August 15, wearing the cap of RSS, BJP state president, CR Patil, he is on a very important visit to Saurashtra. At the same time, the Saurashtra BJP has a plan to attack the popular Gordhan Zadaphia. This is very important from the point of view of criminals and from the point of view of politics. Saurashtra is the strongest lobby in Gujarat BJP right now. The South Gujarat lobby is now acquiring land. The old lobbies can be broken after making a new president. BJP Vice President Gordhan Zadaphia is close to CR Patil. Gordhan Zadaphia is from Saurashtra. After this incident, it is possible that he can be given an important post in Saurashtra. Because he is an expert in Saurashtra politics.

Given the possibility of handing over an important responsibility to the state BJP, the culprits may have decided to attack Gordhan Zadaphia. Currently in Saurashtra, Governor Vaju Vala, Agriculture Minister RC Faldu, Union Agriculture Minister Parshottam Rupala, Organization secretory Bhikhubhai Dalsania, Port Minister of the Center Mansukh Mandaviya are from Saurashtra. New people may have to be brought to a new place. Seeing this possibility, there may be a conspiracy to attack by outside.

A native of Maharashtriyan C. R. Patil, Hardik Patel is strengthening in the Congress, some elements may be aware that Zadaphia can now come to a strong position in Saurashtra. So such an act can happen. There are more political reasons when a political person is attacked. The arrested accused himself says that he was given supari to kill Gordhan Zadaphia.

Work is being done to strengthen the BJP by strengthening the South Gujarat lobby, a new lobby in Saurashtra. While Patil has strengthened South Gujarat, Saurashtra needs to be strengthened. In 2017, Saurashtra declined in assembly seats. The MLA has increased in South Gujarat. Therefore, Saurashtra needs a strong leader who can fight them.

Gordhan Zadaphia has been the general secretary of the BJP organization. He has worked with Jayanthi Kevat and Sanjay Joshi. He has strong experience of setting up two parties, the MJP and the GPP. He specializes in creating organizations. Even when he was in government, his performance was poor. But in the organization, do everything. The way they were gaining importance after Shankarasingh Vaghela, so perhaps someone would have to get rid of them.

Godhan Zadaphia was a staunch supporter of Hindus. He was in Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Dr. Praveen Togadia was associated with him. He prepared by Togadia to fight Narendra Modi. Zadaphia’s party was strong support by Dr. Togadia. Gordhan Zadaphia has not been associated with any Hindu movement since 2004. It is therefore difficult to believe that a Muslim jihadist will come to eliminate them.

The police had booked the room, telling Gordhanbhai that it was going to happen. So the big question is how that person got here. Those who have been associated with Gordhan Zadaphia for years believe that it is a drama. Gordhan Zadaphia was against Modi from earliest, but after handing over the responsibility of Uttar Pradesh, he has become closer to Modi. There are two BJP groups in Gujarat, one Modi group and one Amit Shah group. Gordhan Zadafia is in Narendra Modi’s group. He is no longer with Amit Shah.

(This article is authors own analysis and understanding of politics.)

(Translated from origin Hindi from this website)