Farmers lose Rs 35 per kg due to non-buying of mung on support price in Gujarat

Gandhinagar, 9 June 2021

Crores have been lost due to the non-availability of prices to the farmers in the sowing of mugs in summer. Farmers are selling at support prices at prices even lower than the state government’s purchases. This is expected to produce 36 million kg of mugs in 60 thousand hectares. The price should have been 95 per kg. Instead, one hardly gets Rs 60 per kg. In this way, there is a loss of Rs 35 per kg. The total loss can be considered as a loss of Rs 126 crore.

An agriculture department official said summer planting this year has increased from 45,000 hectares in 2020 to 60,000 hectares in summer 2021. In the last 3 years, on an average 32 thousand hectares have been sown. This doubled the planting. The government has not bought

The price of 20 kg mug in March 2021 was around 1600-1700. So the farmers increased the planting and the government did not even advise the farmers to plant saplings with the help of satellite. So the planting was over.

Currently, traders have reduced the price of 1600 from Rs 400 to Rs 1,200 with the start of revenue.

The maximum area in the state was 9000 hectares in Junagadh, 6800 hectares in Somnath, and 3400 hectares in Porbandar. The farmers of these 3 districts are suffering from inflation and storm.

28,000 hectares were planted in 11 districts of Saurashtra, 4300 hectares in South, 3200 hectares in Central Gujarat, and 2600 hectares in North Gujarat. Thus, Saurashtra accounted for 50 percent of the total Muga cultivated in the state. Where the storm had damaged the mug crop.

The average production of Kharif and Ravi in ​​the country from 2015-16 to 2019-20 is 500 kg per hectare. 21 lakh tonnes produced and planted in 43 lakh hectares. In which the productivity of 571 kg is found in Gujarat. Planted in 3 seasons in 1.35 lakh hectare. In which the average production is 78,000 tonnes.

There are 7 states in the country where 1000 kg of the mug is harvested per hectare. But in Gujarat, it gets half the productivity. In which the farmers have been hit hard. There is a need to develop good seeds in Gujarat. Because Gujarat has no place among the top states.