Scams of Ahmedabad Metro Rail during Modi

Dilip Patel

Ahmedabad, 24 September 2022

The Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi, is coming to Ahmedabad once again on 30 September 2022 to start half the line of Ahmedabad Metro Rail. The metro train started during Modi’s time continued for 20 years, the same is responsible for scams of Rs 500 crore. Modi started the work with the money of the people of Gujarat, not with the money of the Centre. The alignment of two lines was changed. People’s money was wasted.

Rs. 3 thousand crores plan after 2025 will be 30 thousand crores.

There were no scams in 14 metro rails of India, so many scams have happened in the metro rail of Ahmedabad. The work started by Narendra Modi in 2003 may not be completed even in 2025. After a delay of 20 years, when the first line will start on September 30, the account of the scams, corruption and pain public of Ahmedabad, which is facing 20 years.

The people of Gujarat have a superstition that the Modi government of BJP has not done any corruption in 12 years. But here, corruption was on top in the metro. The work of Metro train was done under the direct supervision of Modi.

The trustees of public money had turned a blind eye to the scamsters of crores. The leader was evicted from the chair after investigating the scam.

Property confiscated

ED’s action in the Ahmedabad Metro Rail scam in which assets worth Rs 14.15 crore were seized of Sanjay Gupta, former IAS of Gujarat, who was involved in a multi-crore scam. Industrial plots, Nisha Group hotels and flats in Noida were also seized. Earlier, assets worth Rs 36 crore were attached. Sanjay Gupta committed corruption of crores of rupees in the metro rail project.

Sanjay Gupta was appointed as a special case by the then Chief Minister and current Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After that scams of Rs 200 crore were exposed.

Metro train work started from 2003. Central government assistance was not taken. The decision to build a metro with the money of the people of Gujarat, was not in the interest of the state. Even after taking the decision, till date no benefit of 10 thousand crores has been received for 20 years.

1868 Mistake in work

When the Gandhinagar-Amdabad Metro train started work, 1868 works of planning, design and procurement were handed over without any rules. In which this work of Rs 584 crore was being done. In which the construction of cement, iron, earthen foundation, casting yard, diaphragm, metal, sand, rubble, boulder, grit , labour and retaining wall was given indiscriminately.

Modi’s not a good event

The work was given without planning. Controversy broke out as soon as the work started in 2012. No tender was given by the supplier of goods for the supply of goods. Most of the work was done without qualification, only asking for the price. Certain rules of Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation were implemented. GSPC was accused of scam of 20 thousand crores during Modi’s time.

After Modi left Gujarat for Delhi after becoming the Prime Minister, Anandiben Patel expedited the work of the Metro train. Till 2013, Metro Rail used to run in the air. After the investigation of the scam started, the Chief Minister was changed.

200 crore soil scams

From January 2012 to July 2013, in the blink of an eye, 752 works worth Rs 317 crore were given. The work was not done and the money was given. In which the cost of soil and labour will be Rs 200 crore. Even before the train started, the soil had dissolved in the air. No mud was thrown anywhere.

375% higher prices

371 orders were placed at higher work prices ranging from 31 percent to 375 percent. 8 The scam came to light when the agency did not receive the money for a long time. Account books were not maintained. The “Adhartal” administration was under the rule of Narendra Modi.

Work awarded despite cancellation of TIN

The Gujarat Tax Department had cancelled the taxpayer numbers- TINs of 6 companies. However, they were given a job of Rs 25 crore. There was tax evasion. The six companies were Mahir Mehta Steel Traders, Sini Steel, KaizenTechno Wizard, Strength Construction, Ultra-Pure Infrastructure and Spantechnovizard. In 2015, after Modi went to Delhi, the government admitted to such a scam.

Who took bribe of four companies?

Contracts for foundry yards, depots, construction works, bridges were awarded to four agencies. These four companies include Hindustan Prefab, Hindustan Steel Works Construction Limited, Bridge and Roof Company India Limited, Water and Power Consultancy. Every company was given Rs 2 crore before work without contracting the engagement mechanism.

The amount can be treated as a bribe

151.99 crore for water and power consultancy services awarded. He was given an advance amount of Rs 12.71 crore. Whatever amount is considered a bribe. The work was not done but the recovery of Rs 18.71 crore given to these companies was also pending. The investigation could take place only after Modi went out of Gujarat. In 2015, the recovery of the amount began. So, to whom did this bribe of Rs 18 crore go? Which politicians reached that amount? Anandiben Patel was removed from the post of Chief Minister after the investigation of the scam started.

Cement scam

The Antulay Congress government of Maharashtra had fallen in the cement scam. A serious scam from them was hatched in the BJP government of Modi in Gujarat. Orders were placed for the purchase of 1,32,500 bags worth Rs.3.38 crores. the company Certificate of recovery of gunny bags was given. That money was also paid. But in reality, only 2,650 bags of cement were recorded in the books. It is not yet known where the remaining 1,29,850 sacks of cement worth Rs 3.22 crore went? Antulay Sarkar was the commission issue, but under Modi government, only cement was missing.

Iron scam

The people of Gujarat have a superstition that the Modi government of BJP has not done any corruption in 12 years. But here, corruption was on top in the metro. The work of Metro train was done under the direct supervision of Modi. 2,579 tonnes of iron bars were procured for metro trains. Of which 1,783 tonnes had already been used, the government says. 30 tons of iron from these rods was given as scrap. Politicians and officials consumed 30 tons of iron. 30 tonnes of iron were taken from six trading companies. They were Riddhi Steel Corporation, Mahir Mehta Steel Limited, Sunny Steels Private Limited, Ri Enterprises, Varahi Sales Corporation and Avani Enterprises. These companies had filed police complaints against Metro train officials. The police could not find the real culprits who ate iron.

The money for the purchase of iron was paid the very next day. Who was in such a hurry? Which is also proved by the shadow of the politicians of Gandhinagar. Who was this politician?

labour scam

Of the Arabs’ works, 808 were without security deposits or bank guarantees. No provision for penalty was made against him. Seriously, even Gabeiros has not been spared. 258 works worth Rs 20.34 crore were assigned. But it was not clear where to do the work. What type of work is, it is not clear even after paying the amount. The manner in which the rate of labour was determined has also not been disclosed. Workers were given contracts and instead of giving money to the poor, the politicians and bureaucrats of the BJP government were eaten.

As long as Narendra Modi was in Gujarat, this labour scam remained unsolved. which was not audited. The place where the work was done was not mentioned in the labour contract. Number of workers. The government accepted what the contractor said and the money was given. After investigation, the Chief Minister was changed in the name of age. Who resigned on Facebook.

Loan taken for scam

The Modi government did not have money, so it took a loan of Rs 250 crore from Vijaya Bank at a high interest rate of 12 per cent. 116 crore loan was taken from Punjab National Bank at 11.50 percent interest. 100 crore loan from United Bank of India at 11% interest rate. Later after the cancellation of the first phase of each metro, some loans were returned to the banks and Rs 300 crore loan was kept in the bank in the form of fixed deposits at low interest rate. Everyone knows that banks give kickbacks to fixed deposits.

A good commission on a large deposit went to someone. The public suffered an interest loss of Rs 12.93 crore.

Metro line changed after spending 500 crores

Metro train routes had to be changed frequently. Modi had no plan. Due to which Faiz was in trouble. 445.86 crore was spent on the first line, which went waste.

Narendra Modi decided to skip phase one of the project. Out of this expenditure, a huge amount of Rs 373.62 crore was spent at Motera, Indroda, Chiloda locations which were used as depots, casting yards, test tracks. The cost was completely wasted. In this way, Modi has done twelve thousand rupees for the metro train. The land of Indora and Chiloda was not in possession of Metro Company.

900 crores lost

It has been decided to remove Rs 900 crore accounts from the balance sheet by March 2016. In which works worth Rs 527.88 crore are in progress and Rs 355.80 crore pertains to the old phase.

It simply means that the decision to scrap the accounting books was taken to cover up the Metro Rail scam that happened during the time of Prime Minister Modi. Chief Minister Anandiben Patel Vijay Rupani and BJP government’s Narendra Modi were responsible for the theft. In this way, Delhi Parliament reached after the Metro scam of Rs 445.86 crore in the Modi government.

Vouchers worth crores of rupees are same

Vouchers and certificates of payment of money were identical. The money was paid on the basis of this certificate. In which the truck number, location, measurement book etc. were not attached anywhere with these bills. Thus, a wonderful method of corruption was discovered.

Role of Modi’s special IAS Sanjay Gupta

Officer Sanjay Gupta was arrested in the Metro Rail scam of Rs 113 crore. Gupta was appointed by Modi as the working chairman of the state-owned Metro-Link Express. Gupta left the IAS in 2003. Started his own business. After leaving the IAS, he was appointed to Mega by the Gujarat BJP government. From 2012 to 2013, the company’s former manager Radesh Bhatt received Rs. Alleged misappropriation of Rs 2.62 crore.

Worked again

The route of the Ahmedabad Metro train started in 2004 was changed several times. In which people lost crores. Despite the Metro train scam, the government once again gave work to the bank’s corrupt company IL&FS. Other companies refused to work with the government. The dues were paid 20 crores earlier. After eight months, IL&FS company, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, got an inflow of Rs 382 crore. Name given.

Refusal to work

In December 2015, IECCL was entrusted with the construction of a 4.62 km long elevated stretch from Gyaspur depot to the interface point of Shreyas Metro station on the 17.23 km North South Corridor. He refused to work in December 2018. He was hired again mysteriously.

6 kms metro rail

The first six-kilometer metro rail was completed by the Kumar Infra project. In March 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the six-kilometer route of the Ahmedabad Metro Rail. That’s when the work got stuck between APMC and Shreyas Crossing, the work was to be completed in April 2019. But the plan got delayed by 1 year.

During the time of Rajeev Gupta Rs. 150 crore scam was investigated. After him came IP Gautam. Only six-kilometer metro route has been started during his tenure. The government has appointed SS Rathore, Secretary, Road Construction Department, as the MD of Metro Rail Corporation in place of IP Gautam. Then the corruption stopped.



The government had to investigate after the traders exposed the scam. But the investigators had to lose the chair.