14th Corps ready for war with China, carrying every weapon from cannon to tank

Due to the deadlock with China along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh, India has surrounded the neighboring country. India has deployed Special Forces, Engineering Corps, Air Defense, Cannon, Tanks, Strike Corps and 14th Corps. India is fully prepared to attack China.

The 14th Corps is also located on the Chinese border in Kargil, Dres and Batalik. It is responsible for securing the LAC adjacent to eastern Ladakh. It is also known as Trishul Khand. A division consists of about 20,000 infantry i.e. infantry, armor, artillery, air defense and engineering brigades etc.

Strike Corps – The Indian Army deployed its strike corps after the situation on the border with China became critical. The strike corps has 40-50 thousand soldiers. According to a media report, 2 divisions of the strike corps have been deployed here. The strike corps was deployed. The strike corps has 40-50 thousand soldiers. According to a media report, 2 divisions of Strike Corps have been deployed here. Around 25-30 thousand soldiers and more soldiers have been deployed here.

For the last 6 years, the entire army tank brigade has been stationed in East Ladakh. T72 and T90 tanks are supported in areas such as Chushul and Demchok. The Indian Army has deployed artillery on the LAC. The army has deployed Bofors, M774 outers, medium and field guns. Deployed on Russian Agla missile system.