Under the direction of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, Gujarat has taken important steps towards paperless governance and e-governance. The state government has issued an order on 3rd July 2021 that the state government gazette will now be available online to the citizens in the form of a digital-e-gazette on the website. Its approval has been given on file. The BJP government has not shown transparency by issuing the notes of the Chief Minister, Ministers, and Secretaries to the public.
75 crores are printed in the government press. The price of Kalagha has gone up by 40 percent in a year. So the government is now stopping publication on gadgets and other papers after the budget to reduce these costs.
The Gujarat government has taken this decision after the Rupani government of the Center directed all the states to reduce the printing of paper and make government publications available on the website. The Gujarat government did not do this with its wisdom. The central government has also said that the size of the gazette should be kept on the website. It will have a digital signature on it.
All the announcements of all departments of the government, district and taluka panchayats, municipalities, and corporations will no longer be printed on paper. The digitally copied PDF will also be put on the government’s website.
The Gujarat government will have to send a report informing its press.
Whether hard copy and soft copy are the same, this dispute will remain. The hard copy may be different and the soft copy may be different when the government considers it. Therefore, the central government has entrusted the responsibility of verifying it to the government printing press. Also asked to sign with ink pen. So that dictatorial governments cannot make arbitrary changes.
Government departments can print such hard copies on paper if they want. Also there should be at least 500 copies. This literally means you have to print on paper. Even if not given to the public.
The soft copy is going to raise legal questions. Only a copy bearing the official seal is considered valid in the court. That’s why people, lawyers and courts find it difficult.
Now if someone officially asks for a gazette from the government, the government will not give it. Such a written order has been given. The government will not give its printed copy even under RTI. So the RTI Act can be violated.
For Gazette of date of birth, surname etc., the gazette will be available on payment of Rs.200.
Old Gazettes of 202 princes of Mumbai State, British State, Mughal State, Gujarat if not in the records of the State Government. Really this should be in the gazette record.
Chief Minister of was launched in Gandhinagar. This website will now be published by the Department of Science and Technology. This will be covered by printing and stationery.
The tradition of gazette printing is now overdue to the monarchy and British rule. So 35 metric tonnes of paper will be saved per year. But the country produces 25 million tonnes of paper. Gujarat needs 20 lakh tonnes of paper.
Morbi has the second-largest paper mill industry after ceramics. Morbi produces 7500 tonnes of paper per day, which is 15% of the country’s total production. 2 lakh tonnes of paper is made here. Made of kraft paper and white paper. Waste paper is recycled. 35% is exported abroad. 10% of Morbi’s production is used in ceramics in Morbi itself. Apart from this 55% paper goes to Gujarat and other states of the country.
Paper rims cost between Rs 250 to Rs 300. Government spending has increased due to a 50 per cent increase in paper prices. By removing its print, now the public will bear its cost. Printing paper has gone from Rs 40 to Rs 50 per kg. This business is also in trouble on more than 12 thousand traders of Gujarat. 90 newspapers have closed in Gujarat due to hike in paper prices.
The cost of newspaper paper is Rs 17 per kg. The cost of one kg of kraft paper is Rs.
The Chief Minister has directed the department to upload the available 30-year-old gazette on the website within a month. There is no clarity on what the state government wants to do with the gazette 30 years ago. The government should clarify whether such a gazette has been destroyed.
All General and Extraordinary Gazettes of the State Government will be available for free download online on the website in digital-e-Gazette format.
The practice of QR code has been implemented for authentication of downloaded copies of e-Gazettes.
Chief Minister Shri Vijaybhai Rupani has also given instructions to upload it on this website within a month.
Effectiveness in administration will increase as well as exemption from maintaining manual records of the Gazette.
The problem of getting copies of old gazettes published earlier by people and government offices will be solved. All the information can be easily accessed from the gazette website of all the departments in a single, centralized manner.
budget paper had to be pasted
For the first time in the state, Nitin Patel presented a ‘paperless’ budget. A special mobile application has been developed for this. 55.17 lakh papers were used for publication of 74 types of budgets.