Rupani’s failed government makes wrong law, name wrong in law, big mistake caught

cm vijay rupani
cm vijay rupani

Gandhinagar, 2 April 2021
Other words from this proofreading are printed in the area specified by the condition of proofreading in sections 12- (b) and 12- (d) of the Unrest Act made in 2020 in the disturbed area in Gujarat. To amend this, Gujarat Bill No. 2 of the year 2021 has been introduced by Minister Bhupendra Chudasama.

As per law in force from 2020, the sale of properties in disturbed areas of Gujarat can be stopped and tenants cannot be evacuated.

With regard to the transfer of property of members of the Gujarat Co-operative Housing Society, the permission to construct such property in a municipality or corporation area is not violated.