64 lakh billion liters of irrigation water became unusable in 200 dams before the monsoon

Gandhinagar, 17 June 2021
Narmada dam is 48 percent full. 206 dams across the state are 40 per cent full. 64 lakh billion liters of water is falling. The water is running out. Had that water been given to the field, it would have given a boost to the agricultural economy. If the agricultural economy is good, the construction industry and the automotive industry will flourish.

Thus, the water stored in the dams could have been applied to 20 lakh hectares before the monsoon. But only 10 per cent of it has been planted in advance.

A total of 64 lakh billion liters of water is falling in the state’s dams. If it was given to farmers for summer cultivation, irrigation in summer and monsoon would be possible. But that did not happen.

Summer irrigation could be done in 30 lakh hectares of 18 lakh Narmada and 12 lakh hectares of 200 dams. In front of this groundwater irrigation is 23 lakh hectare. Thus 53 lakh hectares are irrigated in the entire state. Although the government shows irrigation of 18 lakh hectares of Narmada. But it is not more than 5 lakhs. In front of this, 5 lakh hectares of 200 dams are irrigated, barely 10 lakh hectares are actually irrigated. Thus the government has lost a lot of pre-summer and monsoon plantations out of one million hectares.

In Gujarat, 9 lakh farmers irrigate 2.5 million hectares by drip, sprinkler system. Every year an area of ​​2 lakh hectares is added to this. Now the same area is getting dry due to failure of irrigation equipment.

If the water from these dams was given to farmers with drip irrigation, a large area would be irrigated.