Gandhinagar, 26 February 2021
The release of a report by the Gujarat Agriculture Department is shocking. This is extremely worrying for dairy, agriculture, land and farmers. In 10 years, the bulls used for farming are set to go extinct. 30 years ago every farmer had one or more pairs of bulls. Now 90 percent of the farmers do not own bulls. The Governor of Gujarat and the BJP government are emphasizing on cow-based farming. But oxen have become extinct in farming. It has been replaced by a tractor or mini tractor.
Out of 56 lakhs, 50 lakh farmers do not have an ox
Gujarat has a total population of 18.50 lakh oxen. There are 3.83 lakh calves up to two years old. There are 73 thousand bulls used only for breeding cows. There are 12 lakh bulls for farming. Two oxen are required to do farming. There are 56 lakh farmers in total. A total of 6 lakh farmers now own oxen. 50 lakh farmers have stopped keeping oxen. Those who have been sent to the slaughterhouse. Now only 10 percent of the farmers cultivate with oxen. The machine has come in place of the bull.
It is derived from the Hindu government’s hypocritical BJP government policy. In the government of Jain Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and the previous Narendra Modi government, farmers have stopped keeping millions of oxen. There are 56 lakh farmers in 2021, they should actually have 1.50 crore bulls. There are only 12 lakhs.
1 crore cows, bulls
There are 60,000 bulls that can be used for both agriculture and fertilization. 86 thousand bulls are used as bullock carts. The total number of bullocks is 18.50 lakh. In which 65 to 70 percent of the bullocks are farmed. There are 44 lakh indigenous cows here. There are 62 lakh native cows and oxen. There are a total of 96 lakh to 1 crore cows and bulls with cross breed. 70 thousand buffaloes are used for cultivation in Gujarat. There are 1.35 lakh crossbed bulls of foreign breed. In which 16 thousand bulls are used for farming. It has 32 lakh cows in front of it which has been crossed by foreign breed. Overall, the total number of cows is around 1 crore. The governor calls for cow-based farming. Even farming is being done without oxen.
7.73 lakh tractors are registered in Gujarat. It is estimated that there are 2 million unregistered mini or ultra mini tractors in farming alone. One who works as an ox and labourer. Tractors are used for 20 types of farming such as weeding, sowing, planting, and thresher.
Land reduced and tractors arrived
There is a large consumption of mini tractors in the farmers as oxen and labour, labour and bull are not cheap. Because the farmers with small land are unable to bear the expense of keeping the oxen. In place of bulls, now he cultivates with mini or big tractor.
In 2001, 6 lakh farmers owned half a hectare of land. This has increased to 13 lakh farmers in 2021.
The number of farmers with half a hectare of land has increased from 7 lakhs to 16 lakhs in 20 years.
Thus, till 10 bighas of land, oxen are not being cultivated. They drive tractors instead of bulls.
Hindu ideological government is pretends

The BJP government has been professing Hindu ideology since 1996. The Agriculture Department report and the Animal Husbandry Department report make it clear that the slaughter of bulls has started since then. With the government starting to promote farm mechanization tractors, bulls have started sending them to slaughterhouses. When a cow gives birth to a calf, it has a 50 percent calf and a 50 percent calf. But the bulls are going to be slaughtered. The BJP government, which calls Hindu ideology, says that cows are not slaughtered in Gujarat, but statistics say bulls are being slaughtered instead of cows.
Technology policy also responsible
AGR to increase agricultural mechanization There are 50 tractor assistance schemes. In which subsidy is given. The government subsidizes small tractors by waiving fees in registration of tractors, fixing their prices.
The models of tractor companies have been similar since 2014-15. The central government and the state government provide 20 to 50 percent subsidy for the purchase of a new tractor. In this, first choice is given to women farmers. Mini tractors ranging from 12 horsepower to 22 horsepower range from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 3.25 lakh. Which is 4 times cheaper than a big tractor.
Tractors have increased due to government schemes. The oxen are dropped. The government is responsible for Ein. Subsidy for cows. But farmers believe that the cost of expensive farming and agricultural production is low. Because of Een they do not suspect to keep the bull. The BJP’s Hinduist government is responsible for the killing of the cow-bred bull.
10 percent increase
New tractors of 10 to 90 horsepower increase by 10 percent per year. Old tractors sell about 50 thousand a year. The Vehicle Transaction Department does not charge any taxes or fees for re-registration.
Farmers make tractors themselves
In Gujarat, winning the purchase price of bulls, thousands of farmers have built their tractors. Which is mostly made from scrap motorcycle or diesel engine. Who work both laborers and bullocks at 10 percent cost.
Nagjibhai, a farmer from Dantia village of Tharad in Banaskantha district, has built his mini tractor. Which is used in weeding and cultivation of pomegranate. About 20 laborers work in mini tractors. A similar tractor has been built by Bhimji Mungra, a farmer from Padri Mowiya village in Rajkot. . He has built an ultra mini tractor with the engine of the bike. In which gear box, generator, hydraulic are also very fit. Such tractors are grown at 10 per cent less than bullocks. Works with 20 laborers.
CNG tractor
CNG Tractor, the solutions company of Tomasetto Acile India and Ramvette Tech, was launched last year. It is in high demand as it saves small farmers Rs 1 lakh per year in farming. CNG costs half that of diesel. CNG costs Rs 180 for diesel at Rs 350 per hour.
Tractors have become very popular among farmers, even some bulls who have survived in tribal areas, 6 lakh farmers will buy mini tractors in the next 10 years. Thus in 10 years, bull farming will stop completely.(translated from Gujarati)