Monday, March 10, 2025

The father of plastic surgery was Indian physician Sushruta

Ahmedabad, 16 July 2024 (Google translation from Gujarati) A doctor in India performed plastic surgery on the face of an Englishman. Since then, surgery, known worldwide as plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery, was born in India. From here this art spread all over the world. Janak Vaidya Sushruta was the father of this science. Descendant of Rish...

Rose blossomed in Ghudkhar desert, 32 years of hard work by planting l...

DILIP PATEL Gandhinagar, 26 April, 2023 Two thousand birds and millions of creatures Everyday two thousand birds come to the ashram. About 2,000 birds and reptiles like 400 peacocks, parrots, Hola, Chibari, Sughri, Darjido, Squirrel, Kachinda, Gho, snakes come to Nisarga Niketan every day. So far an investment of about one crore rupees has...

The world’s sweetest fruit fig cultivation started in Gujarat

The world's sweetest fruit fig cultivation started in Gujarat

WHO Global Center for Traditional Medicine (GCTM) in Jamnagar, Gujarat...

07 July 2022, Ahmedabad Urban Development Planning, GUDC and GUDM in Jamnagar City. Under the scheme of the 15th Finance Commission, schemes worth Rs 214 crore have been started. 43.85 crore will be provided for 588 works of JMC, the Gujarat government announced on July 6, 2022. The government also talked about t...

Towards a world superfood, but Gujarat has the freedom not to eat trad...

Towards a world superfood, but Gujarat has the freedom not to eat traditional coarse cereals Best grain for health gone Dilip Patel, Ahmedabad 30 JANUARY 2022 Traditional grains like Bajri, Bunty, Nagli, Homli, Kang, Kuri, Kodra, Bavto, Rajgaro, Samo have come in the freedom to eat after independence. The demand for this specialty has i...

Wheat germ oil is also extracted in Gujarat

Wheat germ oil is also extracted, which is rich in medicinal and magical properties. On January 20, 2022, wheat has been sown in 12.50 lakh hectares in Gujarat. However, it is 1 lakh hectare less than last year. Although the Agriculture Department has sown more than 12.17 lakh hectares. The Agriculture Department is expecting a crop of 3918 kg p...

Mint cultivation in Gujarat

Mint cultivation Dilip Patel 20 JANUARY 2022 The scientific institute is the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP) which provides seeds of cash crops like Menthol Mint to the farmers. Provides medicinal and aromatic plants to farmers. Farmers are getting information about distillation units and their markets and farmi...

Finding 25 varieties of grains in Gujarat keepingin a Germ bank

Dilip Patel 15 november 2021 Kong is a variety of black, red, white and yellow. The Indian government has discovered 25 varieties of Kang cereals, traditionally grown in Gujarat, and collected their seeds for a bank in German Paz. This is a whole new type of Kong. which was not noted earlier. These varieties include Ambe Mor, Bangadu, Chahapure...

Ladakh has been branded by APEDA Organic Fruit Sea Buckthorn, nothing ...

Gandhinagar, 26 July 2021 APEDA will provide special assistance for branding and promotion of Ladakh products. The target is to make Ladakh an organic zone by the year 2025. A lot of emphasis will be placed on the branding of a fruit called sea buckthorn which is used for medicine. Fruits are rich in vitamin C, omega and other essential nutrients....

More than 250 medicinal plants and museums of farmer Ram Lotan

13 June 2021 Farmer Ram Lotan Kushwaha of Atravediya village of Uchehra in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh is working to save herbs with indigenous seeds and native vegetables. He has more than 250 medicinal plants in his garden. His father's love for Ayurveda attracted him. The villagers call him 'Vaidya ji'. There are pods of dried, citrus fru...

The largest castor producer farmers in the world was looted by the ind...

Gandhinagar, 4 June 2021 Last week, the Government of India released a report stating that the farmers of Gujarat are leading the country in the production of castor and getting the highest yield per hectare for 5 consecutive years. States have declared an average of 5 years from 2015-16 to 2019-20 instead of castor cultivation. Gujarat is the lar...

8 thousand corona patients benefit from Ayurvedic medicine in breath a...

Gandhinagar, 24 April 2021 According to the guidelines of the Ministry of AYUSH in Ahmedabad Civil, the team of Akhandanand College has been working for Ayurvedic treatment for the last 1 year. Surendra Soni, head of the department of medicine at Akhandananda College, says that Ayurvedic treatment has been helpful in treating the coronavirus. ...

Bathua is thrown into the wheat field as a weed, but it is the best he...

Gandhinagar, 4 December 2020 The Bathua plant grows on its own along with the rabi crop in Gujarat. Weeds grow best with winter wheat. Wheat is grown on 13 lakh hectares in Gujarat. It grows as a weed in all fields. But farmers throw it by spraying weeds or considering it as weeds. Thousands of tons of Bathua have been abandoned. Now farmers wil...
जीस को Gajga (गजगा), Karanju (करानजु), Kat-kaleji (कटकलेजी), Kat karanj (कटकरंज), Panshul (पांशुल), Pattil (पट्टिल), Putik (पूतिक), Putikaranj (पूतिकरंज), Gataran, Karanju, karanjwa, katuk ranja, Kuberakshi (कुबेराक्षी) कहते है।

Fever, Cancer Nut grow on farmers’ fences, many wonderful uses

Gandhinagar, 23 December 2020 Fever Nut grow on farmers' fences. Many wonderful uses. There are good plants to grow in the fence. There has been research abroad on how it can be put to good use in dissolving malaria and cancer cells and tumors of the body. The seeds are brown in color, look like eyeballs, the Sanskrit name is Kuberakshi. Whic...

Gujarat scientist Dr.Mukesh Shukla who has discovered a drug for the t...

Gandhinagar, 27 November 2020 Gujarat scientist Dr. Mukesh Harilal Shukla who has discovered a drug for the treatment of HIV. After 12 years, the first stage of approval has passed in India. Approved by the National Biodiversity Authority. The acceptance letter was sent by NBA Secretary Justin Mohan on November 4, 2020. The letter written by th...