West Bengal, China defeats Gujarat in summer sesame crop

કાળા તલ
કાળા તલ

Gandhinagar, 11 March 2021

Despite the ongoing political battle in West Bengal, farmers in West Bengal have left Gujarat behind in summer sesame cultivation and productivity. Highest productivity. In addition, China is ahead of India in sesame productivity. Thus both of them are defeating Gujarat.

India produces an average of 575 kg per hectare. In India, Gujarat and then West Bengal are the largest producers of sesame in summer. Even in winter, these two states are ahead. In West Bengal, farmers cultivate 2.25 lakh hectares in summer. Produces 1.75 lakh tonnes to 2 lakh tonnes. Gujarat produced 60,000 tonnes of sesame seeds in 2020.

1800 kg in China.

The farmers of Girsomnath cultivate a maximum of 1271 kg of sesame per hectare.

In the agricultural year 2021-22, summer sesame cultivation will once again exceed 50 thousand hectares. Considering the steady flow of farmers, it is expected that sesame production will also be recorded this time last year with good monsoon and good prices. As of March 8, 2021, 19302 hectares have been planted. Last year at this time only 14 thousand hectares were planted. Its last 3-year average was 31 thousand hectares.

In Gujarat, if 50,000 hectares are planted this summer, if 900 kilograms per hectare is produced, 4.50 lakh quintals of sesame will be produced. Hence there will be a new record of production. In the summer of 2018-19, planting was done at Surendranagar on a maximum of 5440 hectares. This time also Surendranagar will be ahead.

At present, pest and disease are less in good sesame water. Farmers of Surendranagar district, with 21 thousand hectares of cultivation, produced 9300 thousand tons of sesame in 3 seasons, leading the state. The second number is Kutch.

Amreli is the largest in the state with 6500 hectares in cultivation.

In 2019-20, the Agriculture Department estimated that summer sesame would be planted in 56 thousand hectares and production could be 51 thousand tonnes. The average production per hectare was expected to be 920 kg. More than 950 kg of sesame per hectare is grown in West Bengal. Which is the highest in India.

In previous years, 14,000 tonnes of sesame were produced on 17,000 hectares. The average yield was 780 kg per hectare.

In 2014, sesame seedlings were planted on 1.25 lakh hectares in 3 seasons. Which was 250 percent more than in 2013. Then it was cultivated normally in 50 thousand hectares.

In 2015-16, when 5 thousand tonnes were produced on a 10 thousand hectare field, 488 kg of sesame was produced per hectare.

India exports 3 lakh tonnes of sesame. Which is 15 percent of the world.

Somasu was cultivated over 3.56 lakh hectares in 2001-02 and in summer. The sesame was then grown on an average of 3 lakh hectares. Since then the mole has fallen. At that time, sesame was cultivated on 70 thousand hectares in Surendranagar and 52 thousand hectares in Bhavnagaram. In 2010–11, there were 2.89 lakh hectares of sesame fields. Hector weighs 460 kg. 1.27 lakh tonnes of sesame was produced.


In April 2020, the average wholesale price of sesame in Gujarat was 11 11,113 per quintal, which is about 19 percent less than the average of 13,673 in the same month of last year. India exported 3.12 lakh tonnes of sesame worth Rs 3,122 crore in 2018-19. For 2019-20 (April-January data), the export of sesame seeds was 2.32 lakh tonnes to Rs 3,067 crore.

India’s top sesame seed export destinations are during the period April to January 2019-20 (15,865 tonnes), South Korea (16,383 tonnes), Vietnam (15,389 tonnes), Russia (11,931 tonnes) and Netherlands (10,795 tonnes).

Gujarat is top in all-season sesame 

Sesame cultivation in Gujarat increased by 145 per cent, production will fall by 50 per cent, Gujarat is the highest in India