Similar effect of climate change on Dussehri of Lucknow and Kesar mango of Junagadh-Amreli

Gandhinagar, 2 July 2021

Kesar mango of Gujarat and Dussehri mangoes of Lucknow have been badly damaged due to climate change. Both these mangoes are world famous for their colour, texture and taste. Both Keri have suffered heavy losses this year due to climate change. Both the mango crops are in trouble. The production of all types of mangoes in Gujarat was estimated to be 13 lakh tonnes, but it is likely that due to storm and rain, one million tonnes of mangoes would have been produced.

The kesar mango market of Talala in Junagadh closed 3 days ago on 8 June 2021. Carry’s last day revenue was 4040 boxes. It was sold for Rs 290 to Rs 725. 5.85 lakh boxes weighing 10 kg were collected.

The storm caused heavy damage to the mango crop and 15 per cent of the mango production in Talala Bazar was reduced. Due to the continuous change in weather, it has started raining several times in the months of May and June. Due to heavy rains the fruits start ripening. But its quality is affected. Due to the effect of dew and cold, the stomachs of 3.5 million saffron mangoes were expected to decrease.

There are mango orchards in 1.66 lakh hectares, out of which 15 to 20 percent orchards have been cleared by the storm. The total production of all types of mangoes including Valsadi afus was expected to be 1.3 million tonnes. However, a former agriculture department official has estimated that one million tonnes of mango is likely to be produced with a loss of 25-30 per cent.

The price of the carry began to rise rapidly. Storm – Baris has also damaged agricultural produce including mango orchards. Mango prices have also declined after the storm. Initially, mangoes were sold due to waterlogging. Even after this, the good prices of mangoes did not increase.

Farmers get an average of Rs. 345 found. This year in 2021 Rs. 355 were found. The advantage fades away.

Climate change affected Dussehra in Lucknow and Kesar mangoes in Junagadh-Amreli. Kesar Talalani and Dussehra Malihabad are world famous. Dussehra and Kesar are world famous for their taste and colour. Mangoes ripen in May-June due to heat wave. This is the reason why the quality of Dussehra is the best around Junagadh and Lucknow.

The weather has started to change in the last decade. It rained several times in May and June as well. It has been raining since last 2 years. Not only this, the rain was also very heavy. The fields were flooded and the humidity was high.

The quality of mango is generally not good in coastal areas and places with high rainfall. Many mango showers are not suitable for the quality of rain mangoes.

Due to excessive rainfall, the sweetness of fruits decreases by about 30-40%. The fruits are juicy in appearance but lack sweetness. Dussehra likes less rain. When it rains again and again, it becomes a problem.

Due to rain, the fruits start rotting as soon as they are plucked. So they cannot be kept for long. Fruits made in the summer season are delicious to eat. They are more colorful in appearance and can be kept for a long time after unloading.

The problem of rot has been found to be a little more. Due to the unusual weather, the fruits started bearing early this year. Quality has decreased. Due to abnormal rains, the mango crop ripened early. The excessive moisture increased the number of fruit flies in the garden. The fruit that looked good from above remained unripe inside.