Instead of closing the GPCL company, GPCB pressed the case by giving notice

Gandhinagar, 20 January 2021

Gujarat Power Corporation Limited – GPCL, a Gujarat government company excavating a lignite mine in Badi village in Bhavnagar, has been caught in violation of the provisions and conditions of environmental clearance issued by the Ministry of Environment, Government of India.


GPCL It is in violation of the judgment of 22 February 2017 of the Supreme Court of the country.

A legal notice has been issued by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) for excavation of lignite mines for violating all important conditions of environmental clearance.

Close GPCL company

The government should immediately stop the mining work of GPCL. The responsible officer of the company should be acted upon immediately. Such a demand has been made by the Environmental Protection Committee and the Khedut Ekta Manch on 19 January 2021. At the same time, Rohit Prajapati of the Environmental Protection Committee believes that the company actually has to be tied up, but the BJP has suppressed the matter by giving notice.

During a visit to your plant by the board, it was found that the rules were violated.

GPCL has issued a serious legal notice to GPCL on 31 December 2020. Law Officer of Gujarat Pollution Control Board R. R Panchal has issued a notice to Devendra Khot, manager of Ghogha-Surka Gujarat Power Corporation. He is responsible for the following.

GPCL malfunction and corruption

1 – A coal grinding machine has been installed at the plant site without the approval of the board. The work of grinding coal was going on. No measures have been taken to control air pollution during coal milling. The coal particles were very visible in the air.

2 – The coal is kept in the open. not covered. Water is not sprayed on coal. Large quantities of coal particles fly when the wind blows. Coal was burnt at some places.

3 – Internal roads are not cleaned regularly. Water is not sprayed on the road. Large quantities of particles appear in the air during the movement of vehicles.

4 – During transport of coal large quantities of particles are seen mixing in the air as the trucks are not completely covered.

5 – Green belt has not been developed.

6 – There is no ETP or STP at the plant site.

7 – A strong stone wall is not built near the rock.

8 – Grass is not grown on earthen mounds.

9 – Conveyor belts carrying raw materials are not covered.

10 – Government company has violated standards, guidelines, rules and laws.

You are required to make a statement within 15 days of prosecuting for violating the above law.

GPCL’s negligence

Pollution and negligence by GPCL have been exposed by GPCL in violation of law.

1 – Some trees like mango, jambu, and chiku do not bear fruits and some are not produced.

2- 25 years ago a layer of lignite was drilled 600-800 feet deep. Which has risen 30 feet above ground water from the bore. Water became polluted.

3 – Despite villagers asking the company to take action, the company has continued mining in violation of environmental clearance.

4 – GPCB took 16 samples of groundwater from 7 villages on 2 December 2020. In which water is no longer potable, animals are no longer potable or not suitable for farming. Total Diesel Solid TDS is 1068 – 6465 mg / l and pH 6.84-7.33 mg / l.

5 – Magnesium and chloride levels are also found to be higher than normal. Acidic low pH, and high TDS, high magnesium and chloride combinations. Hence unsuitable for consumption for both man and animal. Unsuitable for irrigation purposes.

The details received by the villagers under the Right to Information are shocking.

GPCB saves the company

As per the decision, in the event of the waste treatment plant (ETP) not in existence, GPCB should have ordered Gujarat Power Corporation Limited to shut down the company, but it has not done so. Instead, legal notice has been given for filing a criminal case.

How much pollution

The ground water of the affected villages is not potable. Water for farming has been degraded. Acidic is unsuitable for consumption by both humans and animals due to its low pH, and high TDS, high magnesium and chloride composition. Unsuitable for irrigation purposes.

The mound sat

On November 16, 2020, GPCL’s mine soil was buried in the ground in Dari and Hoidad villages. The ground next to it was high. An earthquake-like incident occurred here. So the villagers held a meeting with the Bhavnagar Collector to close the mine. After conducting a study by constituting a committee of experts, it was introduced to fill the necessary concrete measures of vigilance.

GPCB investigation revealed scam

The report was prepared after the committee inspected the site, groundwater quality, mining works on 25 November 2020.

However, mining has not stopped till date. No information about the report of the inquiry committee has been given to villagers, gram panchayats, journalists.

GPCL did not take any action

No concrete steps have been taken by the company since the committee’s visit. The law is in his pocket. The raised clouds are flat. Serious processes like cracks in the mound, leakage of water, slow rise of soil etc. are still going on.

Not reported

Till date, villagers, gram panchayats, Bar Village Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, Badi-Padwa, Environment Protection Committee and Khedat Ekta Manch have been informed about the action taken by GPCL and the board.

Rupani responsible

The Khedut Ekta Manch has also written a detailed letter to the Chief Minister, although no reply has been sent by BJP Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. Lignite mining began on 9 May 2018 and is valid until 31 December 2022. (Translated from Gujarati)


Earthquake in two villages due to GPCL company, land rises 40 feet